Unterschied C und M gleis?


Ich hab vor kurzem angefangen nach und nach meine Eisenbahn (M)-gleise zu C-Gleise umzutauschen und da kam die Frage was eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen C und M gleisen…

Mein Opa sagte nur was das die leiser sind aber nachdem ich es ausprobiert habe habe ich keinen Unterschied gemerkt…

ich würde mich sehr freuen über eine Antwort

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3 years ago

The C track is the successor of the M track.

The sensors must have problems with the old tracks. But for easy setup and a bit drive there should be no great differences.

3 years ago

Actually, you can see the difference between M and C tracks in your hand. M= metal body, C= plastic (carbon). Moved to a plate, the noise level should be about the same. If I attach the tracks, the C track will allow less loud driving. Both varieties are comparable in terms of electricity. Märklin uses both rails for 1 pole of power transmission and the center conductor for the 2nd pole. At the same time, the rail is also used as a return conductor for the signal illumination (analogously) and softeners, and with the switching glows the switching pulse is likewise removed from the rail, so that metal claws and rail are also referred to as a mass. Switch tracks can emit unmediary switching pulses to switches and signals in order to unwind a partially or fully automated driving operation. Digital systems need a few means for implementing the switching track. Since I have not moved C tracks, I can only assume that the track geometry of both types is comparable. There should be no problems in rebuilding the old plant on C-Gleis.

3 years ago


At the M-Gleis, the ballast bed was made of metal, at the C-Gleis made of plastic. So the C-Gleis would have to be quieter. However, in Märklin the grinders, especially when several wagons are equipped with them, make a lot of noise.

Greetings HobbyTfz

3 years ago

The connection from C-Gleis is a bit simpler than with M-Gleis, where it can become a bit tricky. In addition, the course of the trains is calmer at the C-Gleis.

However, I personally find the metals M-Gleise better.