Unterschied 6 und 8 Semester B.Sc.?
Ich habe vor nach meinem Abi molekulare Medizin zu studieren. An manchen Unis wird der Bachelor Studiengang in 6 und an manchen in 8 Semestern angeboten. Ist es so, dass man in den 6 Semestern trotzdem das gleiche macht und es halt nur etwas stressiger ist wie z.B. bei einem G8 und G9 Gymnasium oder macht man in den 3 Jahren auch weniger als in 4? Was genau ist der Unterschied und was sehen Arbeitgeber lieber?
Danke schonmal im Vorraus!:)
You can see that by looking at the performance points (aka credit points, ETCS…). As is known, these are intended to represent the working load. And if the numbers of points differ, the required work performance is also different.
If the two degree programs include equal numbers, they therefore comprise the same work… only once in a shorter and once in a longer period.
I would like to understand such a procedure, because many students do hard to observe the period of regular studies in scientific studies – which is problematic for example in the case of the Bafög. So you’re just starting a longer period of study.
On the other hand, it is normal anyway that the regular period is a friendly recommendation without practical relevance, so it is somewhere sweatless to provide two different regular periods for the same program.
See the study program descriptions, module manuals, possibly study and examination regulations. The difference should be apparent from this.
When studying natural science, most employers will not care how long you studied in the Bachelor… In any case, it is only a necessary intermediate step for master studies.
So just because the rule period is 6 semesters, it doesn’t mean you’re done in time. The equalization then comes almost entirely alone 🙂
Imho would rather be the number of ETCS credits with which to close or Any mandatory internships that you have to complete during your studies. Grade at FHs is often planned as a compulsory internship.
A “normal” 6 semester Bachelor consists of 180ETCS credits. That is, if the 8 semester Bachelor has 240 credits, that would be more content than a year. But that would be awkward; to make FHs has the Bachelor 210 credits, from more I have not yet heard
The content can vary by, but so also the effort you have per week. It can be that you have to do significantly more in the 6 semesters than in the 8 semester course. the MUST so not sen.
if both courses are a full-time study, the courses differ in the number of credit points and thus also in terms of content and effort.
A full-time Bachelor includes 30 credit points per semester (CP). A workload of 25-30 hours per CP is set up, which split up in self-learning time (i.e. 2/3) for pre- and post-processing of events, exam preparation, housework etc. and presence time (i.e. R 1/3), i.e. the actual time of lectures, seminars, exercises, tutorials etc. The exact number of students per CP can be found in the respective framework study and examination regulations (RSPO) of the respective university. A full-time study with 6 semesters thus includes 180CP, a study with 8 semesters regular study period 240 CP.
The CP number of your bachelor’s degree program will be relevant especially with a view to the later master. If you do a Bachelor with 180CP, then you will have to do a Master with 120CP (4th semester). For a Master with 60 CP (2 semesters) you cannot be directly admitted.
Great success at the start of the study!