Unternehmen mit eigenem Transport?
ich stelle mir schon länger die Frage ob ein eigener Transport für Unternehmen profitabler/flexibler ist.
Zum Beispiel ein Unternehmen verkauft irgendein Produkt z.b. selbst produzierte Kleidung über ein online Shop. Anstatt danach ein Transportunternehmen für den Versand zu beauftragen, kommen seine eigene LKWs zum Einsatz und transportieren es zum jeweiligen Ziel.
Und zusätzlich für regionale Bestellungen die Pakete selbst ausliefern mit eignen Transportern.
Ist sowas für Unternehmen profitabler oder ist es am Ende plus minus Geschäft?!
Ich stelle mir die Frage deshalb, weil Amazon auf der ganzen Welt überall Versandlager und Produktionsstätten hat.
Für die Antworten schon mal im voraus danke!
Building a separate logistics network is to use a multiple more expensive than existing networks. I as a final customer order a jacket -> Do you think it would be cheaper to send a transporter by me (wear, fuel, driver’s working hours) etc. or to pay 5.90€ shipping costs?
Shipping by strangers is relatively cheap.
Own vehicles are worthwhile when the transport by others is not always timely guaranteed or if one may be in advantage over the competition; precious it what it wants.
These are always so-called make-or-buy decisions. They are constantly being met in companies and in all kinds of sectors, always if one could produce/manufactur a product or a service itself or just refer to another supplier on the market.
Here you can look at what would cost the self-creation – personnel, materials, machinery, equipment, vehicles, taxes, insurance and so on. In addition, you will find how much you would pay for the other provider for this product or service for the expected quantity. And then you look at what’s cheaper.
The more or more you need something and the less complex and expensive something, the more the self-made is worth it. Otherwise, it usually wins the extra production.
Just consider what a unique logistics center would be for an enormous effort. Vehicles, insurance, gasoline, taxes and both people who load and drive the cars, as well as those who are intricately planning when which vehicle has to go anywhere with what order. There is a lot of work and effort for a good planning behind it!
For Amazon, it was worth building up some own. But consider which shipping volume Amazon has! There is probably no other company worldwide on these insane quantities. And that’s why it’s not worthwhile for many other companies to go on their own.
Weak, not profitable!!
And the example Amazon is a very bad and wrong example!!!
They not only deliver their own products, but also the goods from affiliated/foreign companies!