Unterleibsschmerzen nach ungeschütztem Verkehr?
Ich nehme seit 3 Wochen die Pille, vor 13 Tagen und 12 Tagen hatte ich jeweils ohne Kondom mit meinem Freund Geschlechtsverkehr.
Danach habe ich dummerweise aus Panik die Pille danach genommen, was ja die Wirkung zerstören kann.
Aber habe danach nur noch mit Kondom mit ihm geschlafen.
Ich habe gestern aufgehört die Pille zu nehmen, um in die Pillenpause zu gehen,
und habe jetzt total Unterleibskrämpfe, Pieksen in der Leistengegend und bin schon seit Tagen bin ich total emotional. Hatte auch schon Übelkeit, empfindliche Brüste, Harndrang, bin die ganze Zeit sehr schlapp. Ich habe unglaublich Angst, dass ich schwanger bin. Aber einen Test kann ich noch nicht machen,
und ich bin gerade für längere Zeit im Ausland. Kann nur schwierig und erst in einiger Zeit zum Arzt.
ich werde immer verzweifelter und unvernünftiger mit mir selbst
Why you took the pill after that, although you already started the pill, I don’t need to ask, because in the meantime, you’re aware that the panic reaction was. But that is the reason for the current symptoms.
The pill then causes severe hormonal confusion, which can last for several months until everything is fine again.
But the fact is – after you have already taken the pill, and after that, you can’t be pregnant. And you don’t want to know more, I suppose.
So again: Please get in! You’re not pregnant!
If you take the pill and don’t beat it right after taking it and you don’t have a diarrhea, it’s okay. Your doctor certainly explained to you how to take the pill (on the first day of bleeding) after 7 taken pill you are protected. If you have no confidence in the pill, you shouldn’t take it.
The pill after that was unnecessary and is an intervention in your cycle.
That was really stupid, you say it yourself.
The pill is a very reliable contraceptive when you take it conscientiously.
Almost without exception, failure of the pill is attributable to erroneous errors.
Please learn to trust the pill!
It is not necessary to additionally use condoms when taking the pill conscientiously. If the woman takes the pill conscientiously, there is no risk of unwanted pregnancy.
At least. After the next pill break and bleeding, you start with the pill again and are then protected after seven days. You can have sex without condom.
Hormone chaos through the pill after. That’ll be fine. Don’t worry.
All right! You don’t need a doctor! It could not help!
You just have to drop the pill for seven days, then start new and will be safe after another seven days.
I guess the pain comes from the hormonal deprivation, that’s why many women are taking the pill these days to not have these pains.
This is because of all the confusion. Pill + pill after and now the pill break.