Ich habe letzen Monat meine Periode das 1. Mal richtig bekommen und jetzt natürlich unregelmäßig habe ich Unterleibschmerzen die den der Periode ähneln. Allerdings bin ich seit 1 Woche und 4 Tagen oder so überfällig und habe auch jetzt noch nicht die Periode bekommen . Was kann das sein ? Ist das schlimm ? Und geht das schnell wieder weg ? ( Bevor ich meine Tage bekomme )
That’s normal!
Some have abdominal pains up to a week before their period. There may also be other symptoms such as pulling breasts, mood swings, pimples, cravings, etc. This is called the premenstrual syndrome (PMS) which is completely harmless but annoying. This is just the reaction of the body to the upcoming hormonal changes that happen through the period.
Also around the ovulation (12-16 days before the next period) some have a pull in the abdomen which comes from the stretching of the egghead towards ovarian. That’s normal, too.
When the abdominal pain disappears is quite different, some have only a few hours before their period abdominal pain and some have to hit around with it all week (+ then the abdominal pain during the period). In the so-called middle pain or ovulation pain, the pain lasts only a few hours to a day rarely longer than 2 days.
It can also be that you only have the PMS at the beginning. This can change again in the course of life and after puberty. It can also be easy that your womb just grows, which can also be associated with underlying pain.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
I always did. I think that’s normal. If the pain becomes unbearable, take ne ibuprophen.
this is quite normal and absolutely not bad.
LG and all good
at the beginning this is quite normal that your period comes irregular.
Don’t worry. And if you’re hurting, try it first with a heat bottle & if not take a pain pill.