Unterlassene Hilfeleistung als Deutscher in Amerika?
In Deutschland ist es ja strafbar in einer Notfallsituation keine Hilfe zu rufen bzw. zu leisten. Meine Frage ist jetzt: Wenn ich als Deutsche nach Amerika reise und einen Notfall mitbekomme, habe ich dann die Pflicht zu helfen? Und wenn ich es nicht tue, kann ich dafür belangt werden? Danke für jede Antwort schon Mal!
I don’t understand your question.
I don’t care how different the laws are. If someone is safe in need (no fake road chips, you have to watch even) you have to help.
Just for the reason that everyone himself 8also you) is desperately dependent on help when it affects him.
I hope to have responded sufficiently. There’s no wrong way to help. Before you don’t help, and that’s what you want to choose the emergency call. You can find out how this is in the country where you come. America is big.
Do you know the exact legal situation? I was instructed by my teacher to research and, unfortunately, I find nothing on the Internet :/
then write this into the question. That’s the way you don’t find anything, and you’d be grateful for clues. You’ll get the “Shitsotrm, because you don’t want to get homework done, but Rechecheche’s help.
Why don’t you turn into a foreign office by phone? Maybe you got someone in the line.
In the USA there is no obligation to provide assistance in emergency situations. You’re afraid that you’re being sued when you do something wrong. Otherwise, you’re going to live there, but when you revive your heart, you’ve broken two ribs and you’re being sued, and you can sell your house at the end, to pay the pain money that owes you to his life.
Even doctors are legally not obliged to treat you in case of emergency.
Is this also true for people who only make holidays in America? I don’t know about it. But thank you so much!
Yes – it is. Other countries – other laws. What seems strange to us is normal there and applies to us when we fly there. So a German is also relevant there, but also has not the duty to adhere to German laws which do not apply there
Of course there is no other right here for tourists. But depending on the state, there are also differences here.
I understand. So, would a tourist be called here for help?
In the United States, there is generally no law requiring first aid. Depending on the state, however, there are laws that ensure that first aid does not account for consequential damage. Of course, if you are deliberately acting wrong or grossly negligent.
This applies regardless of where you come from.
So if I get the right thing, the legal position of the place where you’re staying is not what you’re coming from. Did I get that right?
I find it pretty bad to ask such a question!
Shouldn’t you always help in an emergency situation?
Does it have to be a duty to help someone in need?
It’s about the legal situation. Not for morals.