Unterhose nach dem duschen wechseln?

Ich wechsle meine Unterhosen immer nach dem Duschen. Deswegen Dusche ich meistens morgens oder Abends. Jetzt habe ich aber mal mittags geduscht. Muss man/sollte man auch danach die Unterhose wechseln? Weil dann hatte man sie ja noch nicht lange an und es macht doch sinn, sie einen ganzen Tag zu tragen? Wäre das keine Verschwendung von Unterhosen?

Wie macht ihr das? (bitte sachlich antworten und begründen auch aus hygienischer/medizinischer Sicht! mit “iiih” oder “Blödsinn” kann ich nichts anfangen)

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3 years ago

If I think it’s necessary to shower because I’m dirty or sweated, I’ll also wear fresh underwear (and I usually do the same, maybe I’ll wear the jeans again….), otherwise I wouldn’t have to shower.

3 years ago

Especially in the summer or after the sport is often showered a 2nd time a day, as I always wear a fresh underpants.

“Use” I do not think it is, the underpants are washed and not thrown away. In the washing machine, a underpants do not take much space away, and you do not have to iron them so that the effort to wash an additional underpants is very low.

After every shower you can put on a fresh jeans, but I think that is a waste, because jeans need much more space in the machine and then usually ironed.

3 years ago

So I shower every Morgan & then I put on a fresh underpants.
If it comes to that I shower in the evening and the next day not in the morning, I will take a fresh one after the shower in the evening and still a fresh one in the morning.

And who I have showered in the morning & why always go showering in the afternoon I still wear a new one because I feel so clean.

3 years ago

in normal case I shower every day in the morning and I always change the underwear. if I shower in the evening, I’ll change it after that. When I get dressed the next morning and don’t shower, I’ll wear some fresh.

so you can say after the shower and sleep I change.

3 years ago
Reply to  Binnysfragen

in any case. I find full disgusting after the shower ne used to dress buxe. that’s not a waste for me.

3 years ago

At noon it is completely unnecessary to change the underpants after showering as long as you had no anal water or have dripped into the underpants you pull them out so put down and go shower and pull the same back on bite clothes save herjee

3 years ago

You never have to change. However, it is recommended to wear fresh underwear after showering. Besides the underpants also the T-shirt or whatever you have on top as the bottom layer

3 years ago

I usually shower once a day, but also comes before I shower twice. In the evening, the shower will always make a fresh underpants then pulled.

3 years ago

I’d change my underpants, too. When you’ve been showered, you just get dressed fresh.

3 years ago
Reply to  Binnysfragen

What’s your problem? Did I write it just? Reading is not your strength.

3 years ago

So I change the underpants after every shower, that is every second Saturday a month. I’m okay.

3 years ago

Better change too much underpants.

I have over 100 underpants. That’s very often.

3 years ago

I don’t have to.

But if I feel more comfortable, I’ll change my clothes off the line. It has nothing to do with waste. Besides, I have at least 50 slips and they want to be dressed every time.

3 years ago

You don’t have to. Personally, I always change the underwear after the shower.

3 years ago

I’ll change it with everyone!

Don’t make sense to get into dirty clothes after showering

3 years ago

Yes, in the morning after the shower, fresh underwear is dressed….at least at me😁

3 years ago
Reply to  Binnysfragen

I shower in the morning!!!! FERTIG 😁

3 years ago

Have I….the problem lies with you obviously 🤷 I change once! the day!!!

3 years ago

Women generally change underpants daily (like me). I don’t know about men, it’s different.

3 years ago

Yeah, I’ll take two a day, one morning after the shower and one evening, why wasting? You have a whole drawer full of it and you have to wash laundry anyway.

3 years ago
Reply to  Binnysfragen

No, just have to have enough underpants and maybe wash more often, but cleanliness should never be a problem.