Unterhalt volljährig Ausbildung?

Hallo. Ein bekannter 20 j macht gerade eine Ausbildung zum Erzieher.

Er erhält dort kein Geld

Lediglich 500 € unterhalt vom Vater und Kindergeld.

Er wohnt bei der Mutter

Den Unterhalt finde ich ziemlich viel

Gibt es nicht so etwas wie jobcenter die einspringen,? Auch für den Lebensunterhalt wenn die Ausbildung nicht vergütet wird?

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1 month ago

Depending on the income of parents, a claim for BAföG might be given.

And of course, BEIDE parental parts are obliged to stay in cash, depending on performance. If his father pays so much maintenance, then because there was never a recalculation from 18 or there was a recalculation and the father deserves well.

Its maintenance-relevant net would therefore have to be between EUR 2501 and EUR 2900. Of course, no one can judge here on the basis of the information on how this is stored in the case.

The mother can offer her share as a food and logistics, and the child’s money is counted on the need.

Of course, the job center has nothing to do with it.

1 month ago
Reply to  Ashanti1986

No, it’s not that easy.

The basis is the net maintenance of both parents.

Only once accepted, it had a adjusted net of EUR 1900 and it deserves EUR 2800. Together, the parents would have EUR 4700 and therefore the child’s needs are EUR 998.

At first, the child’s money is completely deducted. Then the self-sufficiency of the parents, currently at EUR 1750.

So, the demand is still EUR 743

Mutti has: 1900 – 1750 = 150 EUR

Vati= 2800 – 1750 = 1050 EUR

Together, they would have EUR 1200 for the child.


M: 150*743/1200 = 93 rounded

V: 1050*743/1200 = 650 EUR

This would be EUR 743.

ABER: the father only has to pay as much as he has his own income. This means that, according to the table in Düsseldorf, it does not have to pay EUR 650, but only EUR 508.


The mother does not have to give her part in bar, but lets the child live with him and decide what the child has to do with the maintenance of the father, because the maintenance and the child’s money serves to cover the need. But the whole thing doesn’t have to be interested in the father as they agree internally. He pays the child 508 EUR and finished.

1 month ago

If it is his first training or has not completed any other training beforehand, then parents are still responsible for the maintenance.

1 month ago

that’s so regulated. Junior still lives at home, mother gets child’s money and the father’s maintenance. they have to get around.

Junior wants more, he has to work. on weekends e.g.