Unterhalt für Volljähriges Kind was ausziehen möchte?
Mein Sohn 19 Jahre in Ausbildung möchte zuhause ausziehen und verlangt von mir ( lebe getrennt vom Vater ) Unterhalt und Kindergeld , was muss ich tun ?
Mein Sohn 19 Jahre in Ausbildung möchte zuhause ausziehen und verlangt von mir ( lebe getrennt vom Vater ) Unterhalt und Kindergeld , was muss ich tun ?
Hallo ihr lieben ich bin 19 Jahre alt und leide an Depressionen und habe Posttraumata wegen meine Eltern.. Ich fühle mich so hilflos und alleine ich habe 1 Jahr mit ihnen in Deutschland gewohnt und nun sind wir in mein Heimatland zurück gezogen eigentlich habe die gesagt es sei nur Urlaub.. und ich will eigentlich…
Hi, also meine eltern heiraten in ca. 2 Wochen und ich habe keine ahnung was ich ihnen schenken soll. Sie haben keine richtigen wünsche und ich denke auch nicht das sie wollen das ich viel geld ausgebe. (Würde ich aber trotzdem) Meine mutter ist 56 und mein Vater 52. Ich habe mir überlegt ein riesen…
Kennt sich jemand mit Münzen aus? Wenn ja, das sind glaube welche aus dem Vatikan, aber wie viel sind die wert?
Ist es möglich mit einem wunschgutschein einen kauflandgutschein zu erwerben und mit dem kaufland Gutschein dann bei kaufland damit für Aral Gutscheine zu kaufen?
Online gibt es so viel, aber ich würde gerne mit einem richtigen Menschen sprechen wollen, bevor ich mich stundenland durchs Netz scrolle. Es geht dabei um meine Schwester, die leider nicht mehr so auf der Höhe ist. Mir wär es wichtig, dass sie jemand rufen kann, falls was passiert. Gibt es eine Stelle an die…
Nehmen wir an, man bekommt Bürgergeld und davon gibt man einfach im Monat 200-300€ nicht aus. Also spart man das sozusagen. Und nach einem Jahr hat man sehr viel Geld auf dem Konto. Ist das erlaubt oder wird es einem dann wieder genommen ?
He can do it!
If you already live separately and he is over 18, the maintenance should actually be currently calculated according to the adjusted net income of both parents.
If he withdraws, he is currently receiving a monthly fee of 930 euros, provided that the parents would also be able to perform.
However, even if they are, he would have to have a possible entitlement to BAB – or Bafög – examined by a corresponding request, in his initial training as BAB – at the Employment Agency.
A free computer can be found on the Internet.
After the excerpt, he would have the child’s money of currently 250 euros if he was not mined by his parents. I would get maintenance at that level.
If he himself also has a net remuneration, he can normally deduct a monthly allowance of 100 euros for training-related expenses.
The rest of the net remuneration and child benefit + possibly. BAB – from the Employment Agency would be charged to this 930 euro, if it were to min. this amount, the parents would normally not have to pay any maintenance.
As a full-year-old child in his first training, he is entitled to support the parents.
The 930€, the child’s money is a part of it or has to be counted on if the parents don’t keep it.
Its training allowance, minus 100€, is also to be calculated on it. What remains to subgalt claim was transferred 50:50 by both parents and is good…..there is not much to transfer.
What you should do:
make him realize he can take off if he can pay for it himself. As long as you offer him food and logistics, you are not obliged to give him cash. In contrast to the child’s father where he does not live, who does not have that right of destination.
And the question is: what does he earn in his training?
He can divert the child’s money after the withdrawal. ABER: the child’s allowance is for parents and should pay the child’s father’s pension and the sum is higher than the child’s allowance, then the father can also make the request that he be given the child’s allowance as a child’s allowance.
Were exactly calculated from full-year or from the start of the training what can and must be paid?
And is your son aware that an excerpt is not only about the future rent? Deposit, ancillary costs, first equipment, from vacuum cleaner to dishes to washing machine etc.
In theory, the child with his own registration address would be EUR 930 per month incl. Children’s money. In practice, this can look quite different! For it is of course expected that the own training allowance will be paid (up to EUR 100) and the child’s allowance will be fully or it must be looked at whether there are priority benefits such as BAföG when it comes to schooling.
For example, if he earns EUR 800 himself, then you can give him the child’s money and say “bye and all good”.
Since he was full-year, there was only the child’s money, he earned himself 700 – 800 euros and didn’t need to give anything to me so his money for himself.
So he even earns EUR 700 to EUR 800 net?
Then wish him all the best! Because there’s the money from you and that’s it.
He doesn’t have to move out, you’d let him live. And the bill would be on average at EUR 700 net:
700 – 100 = 600 + 250 = 850
Difference to EUR 930 = EUR 80. But as I said, you offer him a living room. He can finance his own living space!
And if he had a cut of 800 EUR, there’s nothing like that.
He will get used to the prices in real life with his own apartment ;-).
You can give him something voluntarily, but if he already asks, I’d just put him the suitcases – if he owns his own suitcase.
Right of destination for a full year? May I be surprised?
May you:-).
And look into the law:
It’s about maintenance. The right of destination does not relate to the parents determining where the full-year child lives. But they can determine whether they pay cash or natural maintenance.
The mother where the child lives has the right to decide whether it is bar or in food and logistics. The father in this case does not have it and has to pay cash.
When it comes to the father, of course, he has the right to destiny…
But this is not what the full-year child is planning to do with this question.
Or not, if it were to move to the father.
Whether cash or cash benefit, in addition – in principle – consent
Thank you, that really helped me.
All good and your son may also understand what § 1602 GB means:
The dependant is only who is out of the way to entertain himself.
And together with the girlfriend, he’s gonna take it off! Only he should also think about what it means to sign the rental agreement together.
And if he got himself back, you can still pay him a few euros if you want or give him something for the household like a vacuum cleaner ;-).
Thank you, I really thought I’d have to finance all this for him, so I’m really falling a stone from my heart, I’ll do everything you’ve described.
Some young people have to get into reality.
Show him the Düsseldorfer table:
Explain to him that he will have to be charged up to EUR 100 and you will then transfer the child’s allowance to him.
But by §1612 BGB you have the right of destination and do NOT have to finance its withdrawal.
Then you’ll show him this page:
And make him aware that you’re hoping he saved enough to set up the apartment.
You’ve been more than generous to give him all the training allowance. I think he’ll see that his compensation is now pocket money.
His wish for independence is okay. But his “continuation” a wickedness!
And maybe he’d rather ask for a diversion request at the Kindergeldkasse. Benefit for you: he throws the training and you don’t know anything about it, then he pays it back – otherwise you, because you would still be the authorized person for the child benefit fund.
If he wants to become self-employment, then completely ;-).
Is really a bit sad but if he wants it so, then I also give it a suitcase 😅 thank you for your answers and your time 👍
Parents are obliged to abide by their child until the first vocational training is completed.
Parents are generally free in the way of maintenance – this can be done by means of natural maintenance (cost and logistics, baggage and dress money etc.) in the parents’ house or in cash form.
Happy for you!
Not if the child doesn’t live at home anymore. From then on, the parents don’t have to pay him any maintenance as he stands on his own legs.
Not quite right… If the excerpt is desired by parents or the child must take off because the distance to the training place is otherwise too far, then the parents must also pay – provided performance.
If the young person wants to move out without need, then this is his problem – if the parents take the necessary consideration. But then what does not mean that you have to sponsor the extract in any case.
In Section 1612(2) of the German Civil Code, the law stipulates that parents have the right to determine the way in which the maintenance is granted. Therefore, parents can in principle determine that the maintenance in the parent house is granted in the form of food and logistics.
https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bgb/__1612.html#:~:text=(2)%20Haben%20Eltern%20unverheiratete,%20verbide%20R%C3%BCcksicht%20will be adopted.
He doesn’t have to take off
When I read it again, I’m totally surprised. Find the whole thing really weird that children can take off at the expense of their parents. Find this in many cases unjust, but is just my personal opinion
@ Kessie1: Ups, have thought you were “Nicki996” – sorry 😉
@ Kessie1: Ups, have thought you were “Nicki996” – sorry 😉
As there was nothing in the question, I did not address these cases.
Then we agree…
Pay him out as soon as he’s pulled out and as long as the training lasts.
The costs for the maintenance are anyway. Thus the person can also have it for which it is intended and it is full-year.
;-)…Klar, you can do as well. Depends on the ratio of parents/children. But from the law there is no automatic claim. And the children can not only stop the hand and think the parents “must” but….
This is now a legal perspective. I would see the more relaxed and pragmatic.
Why are the costs anyway? The child has a training allowance of up to EUR 100. Children’s money is also fully charged from 18! Thus it can cover its own needs. Mutti still transfers the child’s money and there is no more! Parents usually don’t have to finance the extract. They can make use of their right of destination and offer the maintenance as a natural maintenance – see §1612 BGB.
If they tear the child out or it has to take off because it has, for example, a training place that is not accessible from the parents’ house in a reasonable time, then it looks different. Powerful always assumed!
You definitely don’t have to pay him, child money already if he doesn’t live with you anymore. But don’t think he can find anything. If he were to work, there would be no more child allowance
How do you know?
Why would she pay for his apartment? He is old enough to earn money himself and there is no law that prescribes it to him
He’s doing an education and earning money now lives with his girlfriend and probably has an apartment for himself from January.
As I said, the child’s money is legally his. But you don’t have to pay him
Of course, there is still child money in training.
Training. I don’t count training as a full-time job. Yeah, he’s still working, but just to finance his training. Not his life. Okay, was misunderstood by me
Thanks for the answer, the child’s money he can have
I go out from a normal mother-child relationship, so😅
How do you know if living with the mother is reasonable?
Without knowing…
Jup, but thought the law was different. I mean, why should parents come up for their children if they want to get away at their cost🤷🏼 ♂️. At home, yes, but take off and then take off the parents is just bullshit
That is enough to exclude a total – unrestricted – agreement.
Read it, to some extent yes. But only to a certain amount, charged with training and childcare etc. and then not necessarily in the form of money. Let’s say he gets 540€ in the training plus 200€ child benefit, then it’s only about. 200€ to which he is entitled. I doubt if that’s what he imagines.
From my personal opinion on this, I look completely different
As long as he is in training, parents are still subject to maintenance.
This is true for the father, as for the mother.
Whether the cost of the accommodation has to be paid to the accommodation if accommodation can be granted as a “service” would be to be checked/clarified in individual cases.
No say! He has no right to excerpt as long as he could live with you
He is now with his girlfriend and probably has an apartment for himself from January and then told him would be maintenance and the money.
Then let him mean
Are you even able to sustain?