Unter welchen Umständen würdest du in einen Crypto Token investieren?

Hi zusammen,

ich würde gerne eure Meinung dazu hören: Was wäre für euch ein plausibler Grund, in einen Crypto Token zu investieren? Ich habe hier eine Liste mit einigen Anreizen zusammengestellt was ich wichtig finde, aber ich bin gespannt darauf, welche Gründe euch am meisten überzeugen also ganz allgemein nicht auf meine Beispiele reduziert 😉

Potenziell hohe Rendite

Diversifikation des Portfolios

Schutz vor Inflation und Währungsschwankungen

Teilnahme an dezentralisierten Netzwerken und Communities

Möglichkeit, an neuen und innovativen Projekten zu partizipieren

Anonymität und Privatsphäre

Möglichkeit, schnelle und kostengünstige Transaktionen durchzuführen

Ich bin gespannt auf eure Meinungen und Erfahrungen!

Beste Grüße,


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2 years ago

Under what circumstances would you invest in a Crypto Token?

So I wouldn’t buy tokens (see difference Token vs. Coin [1]). I’m just investing in Bitcoin.

Potentially high returns

Of course, this is usually the entrance. People listen to Bitcoin will rise to XXX and get interested in it. In the beginning, this was also my entry but I remained because Bitcoin has fascinated me.

Portfolio diversification

Of course, this is also a point. Of course, it is not guaranteed that bitcoin prevails. But I doubt that the current financial system will remain unchanged until my pension. Therefore, in any case prefer to have something but no bitcoin at all.

Protection against inflation and currency fluctuations

First of all, it should be said that there is no ‘inflation protection’. In crises, everything goes down first. You saw gold too. What to consider here is a longer period. And if you compare the euro with the bitcoin, then the bitcoin is clearly an inflation protection. The euro will continue to fall in the long term because the ECB cannot change at all.

Participation in decentralized networks and communities

It is of course interesting that the development of bitcoin is happening from bottom to top. But that’s something I see especially at bitcoin. Most of the others are centrally controlled and the development runs over the companies behind it.

Possibility to participate in new and innovative projects

For me there is only bitcoin. I am not interested in all other projects. Since I see the money of the future in bitcoin, I naturally participate in it.

Anonymity and privacy

This is often the intention. Otherwise, Bitcoin is psydonym and not anonymous. Therefore, even more uninteresting for criminals (who know each other).

Possibility to carry out fast and cost-effective transactions

This is at most a matter for me, which is not necessarily relevant today in the future. The financial system itself can naturally revolt Bitcoin here, as it allows definitive transactions. For fast and smaller transactions, the Lightning network is interesting.

[1] https://blockchainwelt.de/token-coin-different/

2 years ago
Reply to  jorgeneogratis

This always sounds great at “Crypto”. But look at this. Behind most stands a central entity. In addition, all these projects could have worked without their own coin if they had built up on Bitcoin. See the Lightning Network, TARO or recently the Ordinal Protocol. You just don’t need any other coins next to Bitcoin if you were honest. But so behind most old coins is just someone who quickly wants to collect a lot of money and has created his own coin.

2 years ago

If I put a rusty nail in the skull.

Krypto is zoking, if I have a bock, with €2000 or something.

2 years ago

I don’t buy unregulated securities tokens.

Bitcoin is the only one I save and pay with. Everything else is central nonsense and does not get to Bitcoin ran.