Unter meiner brust ist was hartes?
also es ist so das unter meiner linken Brust auf einmal etwas hartes ist unter der rechten aber nicht. Ich weiß das die gerade wachsen aber es fühlt sich irgendwie ,,komisch” an. Außerdem tut es bei jeder berührung weh. ist das normal? weil bei der rechten verändert sich garnichts. (bin 13)
Hi dear Lilly 🙂
At the first moment, I would say that these pains are normal and could be a sign that your breasts are currently growing. The cure you are experiencing is most likely your mammary gland which is responsible for breast growth. The tissue in your chest grows and expands, which can cause tension and pain. But it must always be in the tolerable area, then everything is okay and you don’t need to worry. It won’t always be that way. At the latest when your breast has grown once, it will change again.
I’d recommend that you take the J1 examination with your pediatrician or pediatrician. Between the ages of 12 and 14 you will definitely have the right to participate. This would perhaps be ideal for clarifying and reviewing the security. A doctor would be able to tell you if you had everything developed normally or not. If something really doesn’t work with your breast, your doctor would certainly notice this immediately and notice it with you. But it’s very likely that he won’t find anything bad or negative – which would be good:-)
I hope I could help you a bit and wish you all the best! If you have any questions, need help or need someone to talk, you can send me a friend request at any time and then write me a personal message 🙂
It’s best to go to a female doctor.
He’ll pick you up and tell you what it is. There is everything possible from unequal development of the mammary glands over a local inflammation, an abscess to an calcification (probably at your age).
You will then also be shown how to feel right.
Pain is not normal. You can’t start with your description. Turn to your doctor who can look at the problem.
it just hurts if I get there somewhere. I ran against the closet last time.
Check this out with your doctor. You can’t expect lay people to know what’s going on, especially since nobody can scan or see the problem zone. The only answer is to refer you to your doctor.
Then you should make an appointment with the FA to make sure