Unter 18 Gewerbe anmelden/Volle Geschäftsfähigkeit erlangen?
ich will einen Antrag an das Familiengericht stellen in dem es darum geht ein Gewerbe anzumelden bzw. Die volle Geschäftsfähigkeit zu erlangen.
Meine Frage ist jetzt gibt es irgendwelche Vorlagen für den Antrag?
Habt ihr das selber schon einmal gemacht?
When asked, you should leave your fingers and use the time until you are full year to acquire the necessary knowledge you need for a trade.
If you believe that the family court accepts letters that have been created with templates, so that it can only be written with foreign help, you have lost immediately.
Either you can create your application by yourself and add a convincing business plan, or you’re not ready for a business.
so I haven’t seen it yet
You can find information on the net. But what I saw. do not come into consideration.
As I said, you will find the necessary information on the net. There is something to be done, what documentation you need and what people you need to talk to.
I can tell you that you don’t get an exception for selling online (Dropshipping).
why can’t I look at it?
Just because of such demands…
No, honestly. Make it smart and then you know.