Unter 18 Daytrading / Trading möglich?

Hallo, bin 15 und hab ein Junior Aktien Depot schon aber meine Frage ist, ob ich irgendwo unter 18 Daytrading / CFD Trading machen kann, da ich nicht nur normale Aktien oder ETF kaufen will, sondern so am Tag schnell viel Geld und Gewinn verdienen will? Gibt es da eine Möglichkeit.


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2 years ago

No, fortunately not.

Because just as quickly you can lose a lot of money. You still lack this insight with 15. Unfortunately, others lack it for a lifetime, but more than 18 people are allowed to ruin, who wants to.

My advice: Get a demo account, for example from Oanda. You can sit there for free in your heart and you’re 18, you’ve become so good that no one can catch you. Then you make your account and you’ve taken care of.

2 years ago
Reply to  Louis918

That’s wonderful! Probably you are not interested in girls, but you are specializing in everything.

It doesn’t matter if you do sports to the top or a hobby. Those who focus so intensively on it in the youth can bring it far.

If you really want to get it far, then is the first criterion: way with the cfds. cfds are for losers.


If it really is a passion from you, then the risk structure finds out from:

Forex, Futures, and cfds.

Ask yourself: What does it cost me to keep “a” risk-USD, how much do I earn when the market does what, what is it?

If you are really serious, my question will deal with you for at least 3 weeks and then 3 months, because you will order books. You’re going to reckon and trick.

2 years ago


2 years ago

“Gold and Silver” is a wide country. Look at the futures on cmegroup.com, where there is also a trading simulation.

and: Onlineshop: DAS you can build now.