Under 18 flying alone authorization?!


I would like to fly on vacation. I'm under 18 (17), and I've read that a power of attorney (permission) form is only necessary if you don't have your own or sufficient income (pocket money paragraph). I'm doing a well-paid apprenticeship. Therefore, I'd like to ask you whether I need a power of attorney (signature from both parents or just one) or not. And if they do have to sign, for example, if I do something (which is nonsense), would my parents have to pay for it?

I hope you have tips

Kind regards


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9 years ago

Depends on where you’re going. You can book if you want with 14 years. Almost every airline offers direct debits as a means of payment. Nobody cares how old you are, the money is in the account. And under 18, you can fly anywhere in Germany without permission, Europe-wide I am not sure.

9 years ago

Need a travel authority. And your parents have to book all this for you. Liability depends on what you do

4 years ago

Where do you want to stay? No hotel rents a room to someone under 18, if there is no adult.