Unstillbarer Hunger?

Hey, habe bereits das alles gegessen:

2 Äpfel, 1 Karotte, 2 Orangen, 250g Spinat, 500g Kartoffeln, 3 Pfannkuchen, 6 Brotscheiben.

Getrunken: 2,5 Liter Wasser, 500ml Kaffee

Ich leide unter einem leichten Blähbauch bzw Wasserbauch aber bin relativ dünn. 57kg/175cm

Ich habe immernoch starken Hunger aber will meinen Darm nicht überlasten. Was soll ich tun?

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2 years ago

In terms of calories, that’s not much you eat. I miss, for example, healthy fats that the body needs.

If you’re so insecure, you should go to a nutritional advice. Your health insurance can tell you where there are good nutritional advisers.

2 years ago

Hello, with 1.75 m and 57 kg you have something underweight for a male sex according to your name yes this is a problem, go to a nutrition expert there is, for example, also many neurologists or to an internist because if you still have hunger what I have read that really doesn’t agree something, but what I don’t know, only medical help can give you more answer to your question, so sorry it!