Unsicherheit bezüglich des Körpergewichts?
Liebe Community,
ich hätte eine Bitte an euch:
Würdet ihr mir verraten, wieviel ihr Frauen wiegt, wie groß ihr dabei seid (ein BMI oder eine Kleidergröße wäre auch informativ) und wie alt ihr seid? Natürlich können auch gern Männer antworten, die etwas über das Gewicht ihrer Frauen/Freundinnen wissen.
Ich bekomme aus dem Bekanntenkreis in letzter Zeit immer wieder vermittelt, dass etwas mit meinem Gewicht nicht stimme und hätte gern eine Orientierung, wie der BMI bzw. Gewicht/Größe oder Kleidergröße üblich ist – besonders interessant wäre die Altersgruppe Ü35, freue mich aber auch über die Angaben der jüngeren Klientel hier.
Ich bedanke mich im Voraus für jede sinnvolle Antwort und wünsche allen ein gutes, neues 2024!
I am w16 and 1.76m, only 72.2kg and a BMI of about 23.5. Is in the standard, but I’m afraid I’m going to take it fast. Please don’t let anything talk to you from outside except your:e doctor: it’s critical. Every body and metabolism is individual 🫶
Thank you, Cara, for your answer. Your BMI is completely okay. Why do you write that you take “satisfied” (except it is disease-related). Most of them are fighting for weight loss.
I also want to lose weight, but unfortunately it has become a addiction and I hardly eat anything. Love greet
Thanks for the star🫶
I know that from a friend, she was at the end of her pregnancy, and she’s very thin.
Thank you very much and you just the best! Good evening
Okay, I get it. Then be happy for what you have now. I wish you enough strength and will. Take care of yourself!
Weight is hard to say as muscles weigh more than fat. I weigh 56 kg to 1.73 cm, but something is muscle mass. Wear size S – M.
I don’t expect my BMI because I am satisfied ^^
As long as you feel comfortable and everything is still in the healthy area, the opinion of others may not matter to you.
Thank you for your answer. Yeah, it’s basically all in the normal range. The discussion revolves around whether it’s “happy” for a person of advanced age (yet/again) to be as slim as you were with 18.
So I am w 23 about 1m70 tall and strongly overweight. I don’t like to say my weight publicly here to prevent unbeautiful, declining comments, but I’d like to tell you per pn. So I’m nudist the most time naked when it’s because that’s easier, but if I wear clothes, I need between 8xl and 10xl depending on the cut and what it all needs to be covered.
lg sarah
Thank you for your openness. I’d rather not publish what’s going on here later. Maybe you’ll be back soon.
I am w18, 1.70m tall and just weighed between 50-51kg
Bin 17, 1,73 and weighing between 52 and 54 kg
But consider that this often has nothing to do with appearance. My friends are all smaller than me and weigh 5kg or more than me. But they look much thinner.
That’s very slim. But in your young years from my point of view, okay. How do you think this optical discrepancy comes between you and your (heavy) girlfriends?
What do you mean?
Wow, absolutely same😅
So I’m like 49kg at 1.67m and my BMI is 17.6. I always have size S sometimes also XS, which always comes to the cut of clothes.
You’re really slender. But you are also very young 😉
Yes, that is true:).
166 and 65kg, (23,6 and by xxs-M everything fits me), 14 years
Approx. 1,72m and 54kg, i.e. Dress size is really dependent, from xs to L or 36-40 everything is there.
I am 165 cm and I have 55 kg 🙂 am 15
Lg issy
That sounds like a nice weight.
yes I also think I am right:)
A BMI of 22 ± 3.2 shall be considered as normal weight.
It should be noted, for example, if you go to the gym or otherwise have built up muscles, this can quickly exceed the standard values because muscles are heavier than fat due to their density.
Thank you for your answer. The limit values are known to me, I would just like to know something about the “actual state”.
It’s huge. I don’t think there are trends. But even if. Be individual!
“You laugh about me because I am different? I laugh about you. For you are all equal!”
😄 How true!
Is something like:
‘Only dead fish swim with electricity!”
Real good saying – I notice it!