Unscharfe Polaroidbilder?

Ich habe eine Polaroidkamera und zwar die Instax Mini 11. Ich habe sie letztes Jahr gekauft von Media Markt und benutze sie nicht wirklich oft. Aber seit kurzem, immer wenn ich Bilder mache, sind sie unscharf. Ich verstehe nicht warum. Die Linse habe ich sogar geputzt und dennoch kommen immer wieder unscharfe Polaroidbilder raus, egal wie groß oder klein der Abstand ist.

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1 year ago

A Fujifilm Instax is just as little a polaroid camera as a Google Pixel is an Apple smartphone. Both are different manufacturers – Polaroid is not the epitome for instant image cameras.

What exactly are you trying to photograph, and how far is it from you? Can it be that you might have pulled out the lens for selfie mode? Because then only motifs are sharp within 30-50cm.
In the reverse case, the same applies if you try to make a selfie and the lens is not pulled out to the near mode, it is generally inconvenient.

1 year ago


The Instax Mini 11 has a fixed focus optics which has the “maximum sharpness” approximately in the range of 1-5 meters at aperture 12.7. For a range below 1 meter, you have to pull the front tube of the optics into the “seed position”. If you want to get long distance motifs behind 5 meters maximum sharp you have “luck” that from Mini 9 is no longer possible by flashing off. This is then sold as a release/Bokeh. The better Instax Mini 40 and Mini 90 have a program mode for landscape where the optics are then placed on hyperfocal. The Instax Mini are however eh cameras for “Egomania”

Optics can be adjusted by fluctuations in production and fall damage.

The “maximum sharpness” of the instax with plastic lenses is extremely low or one assumes a constructively permissible blur circle of 1/100tel. Reportage qulity (up to 40x60cm final medium) is used from 1/1000tel for high-resolution applications such as advertising over 1×1.5 meters or cinema film of 1/2000tel.