Unrückvervolgbar in öffentlichem WLAN?
Komplizierte Frage, ich hoffe ihr versteht was ich meine. Alles nur Theorie.
Wenn ich in meinem WLAN etwas herunterlade weiß ja die Polizei, Internetanbieter… usw., Das das mein WLAN ist und kann mich Theoretisch festnehmen oder strafe zahlen lassen (sollte der Download illegal sein).
Wenn ich den Download aber In einem öffentlichem WLAN begehe dann wissen die doch nicht wo ich wohne und wer ich bin, heißt sie können mir auch nichts. Oder??? sie haben zwar die IP Adresse aber was bringt die denen dann?
diese Frage schwirrt mir schon seit einiger zeit im Kopf rum und ich halte es nicht mehr aus. Ihr könnt mir gerne weitere Fragen stellen. Wie gesagt, alles nur Theorie.
Ich hoffe auf eure Antworten, Danke im voraus👍
that has nothing to do with WLAN.
Because you have your Wi-Fi at home, and the range is very limited.
You can also change the access code,
if you think someone should have logged in to the neighborhood.
Your internet connection is open to the providers,
and all your activities are saved.
Whether or why someone has access, it usually remains hidden to us.
But they’d rather take your phone. Because you always have it.
If you want to leave less traces, you can hire a VPN connection.
But what is not necessary as long as you do normal things.
The public networks usually have filters that do not allow to go to specific pages.
But yes, basically, this goes through the IP of the respective provider when you do something down.
As far as I know, since 2017, wireless public providers can no longer be held responsible for using the network for illegal activities.
However, each terminal also has a Mac address, i.e. the personal code of a device. But to what extent this is being followed, my knowledge is withdrawn. I think that there will not be great what will happen if this is not of particular (public) relevance.
The MAC address can be changed in minutes, so it’s pretty useless. And as far as I know, the browser does not transmit it.
Is there no specific device ID?
The Mac address only goes to Osi-Level3, i.e. behind a router it is not transmitted further.
And both the HWID and the MAC are not due to people. Just say this ID alone doesn’t bring anything. You still need more information. Even if you could not change them and they would be permanent.
A HWID (Hardware ID/Hardware identifier), but this is also not transmitted. And you can change this too.
The police go to the network operator (W-Lan) and asks who was here on exactly this date and time (monitoring cameras, invoices, login to the W-Lan).
Or you’re leaving traces. Keywords Browser fingerprint.
It is best to go to a public W-Lan and use TailOS. It’s over gate and forget what you did. This should be safe halfway. Provided there are no cameras that record you and you pay anonymously (bar) etc.