Unmögliche Jugendliche am Bahnhof?


War vorhin am Bahnhof und von weitem hat man betrunkene Jugendliche gehört. Als sie am Bahnhof ankamen, haben sie die Leute dumm angemacht, und einige hatten dann zurück argumentiert. Die jugendlichen hatten Bierflaschen in der Hand, und sind dann im Dunkeln über die Gleise gelaufen.

Ich habe heimlich ein Video aufgezeichnet weil ich so ein Verhalten nicht ab kann.

Die eine hat dann gedroht mir das Handy weg zu nehmen und hat mich dann noch beleidigt.

Wie kann man sich so nur verhalten??

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1 month ago

Yes Alcohol produces the worst in people, in masses every case.

You can find such specialists everywhere in Germany. I am a great advocate of martial sports and general fitness.

This also makes in such situations what if you don’t have to go back and take the beer bottle away from them (of course, only if they get threatening, never escalate without ground)

1 month ago
Reply to  Tecfr43k

Don’t worry about it is half a pity, here in Munich there are such spiders too.


1 month ago
Reply to  Dissoziiert

I didn’t ask you.

1 month ago

If you don’t want to have answers, you can also write your answers in the editor or in the diary, because nobody answers. Anyone who gives public answers must live with the immeasurable pain to get a reaction.

1 month ago

I live in Hamburg in a little getto, I’d go by well-maintained and don’t react. if they don’t make a place, I’d say, “I’ll get through, thank you.”

what @ writes very good answer.

because of the 110 and not even. they are too obvious, the cooperative takes care of it.

we had one of the ones on the sofa in the basement. only saw the sofa. I got up again, my neighbor was disturbed in the evening, and we threw the guy out with a sofa and called 110.
I got the neighbor because I didn’t want to deal with myself as a woman. Since then, I always take my phone when it goes down to the basement.

1 month ago

It’s best not to interfere first and in serious cases contact the police if people should really escalate.

1 month ago

Moin Tecfr34k- this is the threat of society. That’s all I have to say.

1 month ago

You’re always welcome.

1 month ago

I can only say that every year I have been able to say for decades.

You can find people everywhere. Just stay in mind rather than literally a thousand to ten thousand people (depending on where you live) who meet every day in local traffic.