Uni Klausurtermine realistisch?
Was sagt ihr zu diesen Klausurterminen
ist es so machbar? Bei einigen bin ich sogar bei 0
30.01. Mündliche Prüfung Informatik
11.02 Elektrotechnik 1
14.03 Mathematische Methoden der ET
24.03 Informatik 1
29.03 Höhere Mathematik 1
Two months of examination and only 5 exams? A lot more relaxed is really not possible when studying!
In my Bachelor’s degree, the exam period was exactly 2 weeks. During these 2 weeks all module tests were written, and that could be a few more if you had several of these small 2-point modules.
And you know what? Ging too.
It depends on you alone.
It doesn’t make it easier, but if you wanted to have it more relaxed, you would have started learning earlier.
There are two dates. That’s why I split this as relaxed as possible. Could also write everything in the first appointment and accordingly have longer semester holidays. But I can’t learn so much
I am studying at the rwth
Looks normal for me. With bad manyight have 2 or 3 in the week whens doof comes.
Just be so close with good luck. Everything else is impossible.
There are not many tests and they are also well divided.