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3 months ago

It’s too individual to answer.

There are also pure learning topics in the STEM area, but also pure understanding topics. And everything in between. What you just have to understand, you may. create even without extra learning work, but certainly not what you have learned by heart.

One of them is to listen to the lectures during the semester in order to remember everything. The next has listened, but nothing has actually learned, and the third has not even attended the lectures.

The one plays “four wins”, the other puts it on as good grades as possible.

The one exam is given, while the other gives 70% diarrhea rate each semester.

In one exam, the exam questions are known in advance and one learns only the solutions for these tasks, in the other exam it is pure lottery what the lecturer will ask and you really need to be able to do everything.

You need to see what it is for a exam, what claims are made and what works for you.

3 months ago

The exams usually take place within the lecture period. Then you have no 2 months to prepare. If you work during the lecture, it should be a complete preparation. I came out with 2 weeks of concrete preparation for the individual exams.

3 months ago

I did not learn and pass anything for the final exam in the commercial profession.

Why wouldn’t that go to college?

Depends on how good the exam questions are.
If anything goes to you anyway, I don’t see a problem.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jungleerika

Why wouldn’t that go to college?

Because the exam questions in a module examination at the university do not necessarily go along with what was previously told in the lecture. In the lecture, the lecturer only told any anecdotes that do not use anything to the exam.

As a student, you have to deal with the topic yourself and see what is important about it. You have to know if it was mentioned in the lecture or not.

3 months ago

For some yes, for some no. If you still don’t know how long you need to learn after zig years of school, you should start as early as possible to get on number safe

3 months ago

In MINT fans, the mental presence is always sufficient, as well as the dissolution of the weekly exercises to be prepared for the exam. Before fear may repeat 2-3 days intensively, then you should get through well.

3 months ago

I don’t know how well you understand the learning material and how extensive the learning material is.

Better work through again and not on the last drawer should counter tensions.

3 months ago

it is theoretically enough for 1 week. The question is if you want to stress this. 2 months are enough for me to learn easy – with a little stress.

3 months ago

Depends on what you’ve driven the rest of the semester, but two months have been a long time.