Uni Hausaufgaben Internet nutzen?
Darf ich für meine Mathe Hausaufgaben das Internet offiziell nutzen?
Ich konnte dank einigen Videos auf YouTube mein Thema erst so richtig verstehen und so die Aufgaben lösen. Das Problem ist dass diese Videos schon mit Ausdrücken und Methoden gearbeitet haben die wir noch nicht in der Vorlesung hatten.
The university never asks where your knowledge comes from. The school, by the way. Of course, you can use everything – only when it comes to exam texts/assessed work, you need to specify all sources.
Yeah, sure you can use the internet. However, as soon as you write your own works (for example, Diploma thesis), you have to consult the sources you refer to. There are precise rules for that.
This has nothing to do with the usual homework. Didn’t know that you still have homework at university.
Greeting Matti
With us, there were voluntary training tasks, which could even earn points for the exam depending on Prof. Evtl. was only the word choice in the surgery inappropriate.