Uni Bewerbungsfrist endet “heute” oder morgen?
wenn die Bewerbungsfrist am “15 Juli” endet, ist dann “heute” Nacht um 00:00 gemeint oder morgen um 23:59? Finde da auf der Uni Seite keine genaue Angabe zu.
Dort ist es so vermerkt: “Anfang Juni – 15.07.”
The deadline usually ends with the expiry of the said day, i.e. on 15.07. – 23:59
However, you should make sure that a letter entry at 23:59 or even earlier may be viewed as the next day.
All right, thanks. Is online anyway in my case.
Also consider that server overloads can occur. So don’t send in the last minute.
Then it ends with the 15th run. July and not with the end of the 14th Juli. So, 15. July 24:00.
You could, of course, also apply today to go very safely.
All right, thanks. I’m already a student, but my cousin would like to submit an additional application, but it doesn’t make it any longer today.
No problem, she can do it tomorrow. Then really and best in the morning.
Because if it’s late, you’re under time pressure anyway, then the online portal doesn’t want as it should… no person needs 🙂
Today is only the 14th July, and from 0.00 the 15th July begins.