Unglück passiert?

Brauche dringend hilfe meine Katze wurde von Kinder geschlagen und verletzt jetzt ist sie weggelaufen was kann ich tun hat jemand Tipps für mich brauche dringend hilfe !! Täter habe ich nicht erkannt !! Eine Info noch der Vorfall war in 33098 Paderborn an der Marienschule ( Grundschule) auf dem Ascheplatz !

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9 months ago

I think the cat will come home, then you immediately go with her to the vet, no matter what time (not service) and let her treat. With the bill and possibly photos you go to the police and refunded ad.

The officers tell you how it goes.

The next day, at the same time, would see if it were the same children and photographed. Then back to the police, then in school and neighborhood can be searched for it.

Happy for your cat

9 months ago

Turn to the police and tell the Fal that the cat ran away and leave your number! If jmand finds the cat and alerts the police, you can reach.

If you are registered with Tasso etc., call there as well.

Since you say the cat could have internal injuries, it is very important to find se fast. Ask Psante and ask them to keep their eyes off.

Very important, even if it’s hard to stay quiet. Cats feel that you are stressed / excited and this can lead to them continuing to hide away from you

9 months ago


the first and only place you should contact is your competent police station.

There and only there will be help!

After that, you are going to find your cat intensively and you have found it, then you are going to the animal clinic quickly, because for your own information (see demand) she has, according to your assessment, organ damage and bleeds at the abdomen.

Your cat all thoughtful good.

Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺

9 months ago

Try it first with the tow: https://www.heimwegschleppe.de/

Otherwise, an animal search service would certainly be helpful.

I’ll push the thumbs.

9 months ago

Unhappiness? It won’t happen by chance. I’d talk to the teacher college.

9 months ago
Reply to  TOMM13285

If she’s slightly hurt, she’ll come home. If she is seriously injured, it can be good that she – sorry – is being cursed to die.