Ungesunde Ernährung?
Hallo ich bin Anni (16) und möchte dringend abnehmen! Ich bin 1.51 groß und wiege 60kg! Ich Ernähre mich vegan aber leider trotzdem sehr ungesund. Wie kann ich mich für gesunde Ernährung und Sport aufraffen und die zusätzlichen Kilos loswerden
Run every day 20 rounds around a building for 30 days and eat not much bread
Vegan is not ingwer unhealthy – on the contrary, it happens very quickly that one feeds too rich in carbohydrates and low protein. Maybe try a good mix!
But do you keep your weight stable right now? Or is it going to be more?
A very banal trick:
Buy a book on vegan nutrition & read it intensively. I mean, that you don’t overflow the text, but read it consciously & slowly. Mark important terms & write them out if necessary. Take time to think about the read. I promise you, you’ll be fed up automatically. If you internalize the subject, you don’t want to live unhealthy anymore.
I can “Vegan, cliché Ade!” of Niko Rittenau or “Vegetarian and vegan diet” of Markus Keller & Claus Leitzmann recommend.
Discipline, discipline and discipline.