Ungeschützter GV wss tun?

Hallo, ich hatte vorgestern ungeschützten Geschlechtsverkehr mit der sogenannten “rauszieh” methode, da meine App angezeigt hat, dass ich zu dem Zeitpunkt am nächsten tag sowieso meine Periode bekommen sollte. Aber jetzt ist es jetzt schon zwei tahe her und ich habe sie immernoch nicht bekommen und mache mir echt sorgen, weil mir auch sehr übel ist. Aber ich möchte dir Pille danach auch nicht “unnötig” nehmen da sie schlimme Nebenwirkungen hat.

Soll ich mir die Pille danach holen? Oder lieber abwarten? Kann es sein das ich schwanger bin?

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1 year ago

Pulling out is NOT a method of contraception!

The pill after that doesn’t go anymore.

Just let nature run. You can’t do anything else.

1 year ago
Reply to  MonaLisa557

Why too late?

Preparations containing the active ingredient Levonorgestrel are approved for use up to a maximum of 72 hours (three days) after an unprotected intercourse, the preparation with the active ingredient Ulipristal acetate up to a maximum of 120 hours (five days) thereafter. After more than 120 hours, it is too late for the “following”.


1 year ago
Reply to  ZoeyPauk

Before the ovulation, just before the period is the long past.

What’s the pill after that? She can’t move him anymore, she’ll bring the hormones together at most. Future pharmacies don’t let them out.

1 year ago

I wouldn’t panic right now. The period does not always come exactly to the day. The body is not a machine. That’s why come down and wait first. That’s bad for you, could either come from that you’re getting your period soon or from the stress you’re doing about it.

If your period should not appear in the next one or two weeks, then at the earliest 19 days after the unprotected GV a pregnancy test. But as long as I’d keep the brook flat.

PS. Please prevent next time right! It’s not a method of contraception.

1 year ago
Reply to  ZoeyPauk

That’s exactly why I would never rely on something calculated by computers. It can always happen that the body deviates from it.

I can’t believe that this is still so widespread as a contraception attempt…

1 year ago
Reply to  Cornsnake94

And that deviates her body from the “plan” is also not surprising since she took the PDN only 2 months ago. It can therefore not rely on a regular cycle for the next 4 months, as it has jacked it itself.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cornsnake94

With me, the period always left the app. So have the app uninstalled sometime.

1 year ago

The ovulation takes place two weeks before the period, only at the time (plus the five days before and after the day there is a danger) one can become pregnant.

Pulling out doesn’t work contraceptively.

You’ve got PMS because your period starts soon. A few days later is not rare and also no overdueness. You’re sick of the unnecessary stress you’re doing.

Even if your ovulation was very much later (extremely unlikely) and you should be pregnant (still much more unlikely), you would notice something about it in the earliest one month.

By the way, the pill does not bring anything, it only shifts the ovulation to the back and it was probably already.

1 year ago
Reply to  hilfe1244567

Like the two said, your ovulation WAR already. And the point of the pill after that is to move it.

That would be pointless.

1 year ago
Reply to  hilfe1244567

Read my first and last sentence again.

1 year ago
Reply to  hilfe1244567

The statement has already delivered bullet:

By the way, the pill does not bring anything, it only shifts the ovulation to the back and it was probably already.

And your body is not a machine. That the period comes exactly to the day does not always apply.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kugelflitz

I’d rather say she’s got PMS because she’s taken the PDN two months ago and she’s also pushing the bad conscience.

1 year ago
Reply to  MaryLynn87

You don’t have PMS because of the pill after it and not even after two months.

1 year ago

She has no idea how her body works. You can just call PMS if you’re funny.

1 year ago

Yes, only PMS has other causes.

1 year ago

The pill after that has noticeable side effects of up to 6 months. For as long as the additional hormones have been degraded.

1 year ago

19 days after the GV you can make a pregnancy test.
Your FA advises you on various clinical diseases.

1 year ago

The pill after that doesn’t get you anything.

1 year ago
Reply to  mondfaenger

Preparations containing the active ingredient Levonorgestrel are approved for use up to a maximum of 72 hours (three days) after an unprotected intercourse, the preparation with the active ingredient Ulipristal acetate up to a maximum of 120 hours (five days) thereafter. After more than 120 hours, it is too late for the pill afterwards


1 year ago
Reply to  ZoeyPauk

The pill then shifts only the ovulation back and it was probably long ago.

1 year ago

What exactly is the pill after that?

  1. should you take them as quickly as possible after you blew the shit and not over 2 days later
  2. The pill can then move a NOCH NOT PASSIERTEN ovulation to the rear. If you’re using such a great app, please use your brain. If you’re close to the period, the ovulation is already history.

In the future, BITTE will use a reasonable prevention method or set up the nursery.

Your abdominal pain comes from bad conscience because you know that you made a mistake here.

Besides, you only took the pill two months ago. It has effects on your cycle up to 6 months after. NO, even not your great app, so can foresee when your next ovulation should take place at all!

So you buy a pregnancy test and do it in 17 days (then it is 19 days and he can say something). Besides, you’re still calling your gynecologist today and wondering if he would have time for you in about 3 weeks!