Ungeklärte Gelenkschmerzen – Karriere anpassen oder weiter nach Lösung suchen?

Ich habe seit 3 Jahren Gelenkschmerzen, und 1,5 Jahre Physiotherapie haben nicht geholfen. Drei Orthopäden und mein Hausarzt kennen die Ursache nicht, und meine Blutwerte sind unauffällig. Die Schmerzen sind nicht stark, werden aber bei Aktivität schlimmer. Ich kann kaum Sport machen oder lange am PC sitzen, aber die meisten Berufe, die mich interessieren, erfordern viel PC-Arbeit. Sollte ich weiter nach einer Lösung suchen oder es akzeptieren und nach anderen Berufsmöglichkeiten schauen? Ich bin 17 und habe noch ein Jahr Schule. War auch im Krankenhaus bei Abteilung für Kinderrheumatologie die haben auch nichts gefunden.

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1 month ago

Shoulder elbow wrist pain? I was on the PC after years. Everything ergonomically furnished, partly in own construction, brought some relief. Extra tip: compact keyboard without number block helps with the right hand enormously because the mouse arm can remain parallel to the body.

If doctors couldn’t find anything with you: I am trouble-free through daily vitamin B complex (helps in nerve participation) and devilscrap tablets (apotheke, ratiopharm, first of all only 1 b. tgl., not 2, against osteoarthritis, arthritis and muscle tension, needs a few weeks).

1 month ago
Reply to  kaiser671

I don’t know, just have to be concentrated extract, only dried and ground root is not enough after my experience and is more expensive because you need to take more for the same effect. I recently compared everything online and came to the best and safest. 🤞

1 month ago

Would always make sports and train muscles as compensation. Exercises for the back and the mouse arm googles. There are also special mice – you can see if they fit better for you.

We have very good experiences with a mineral complex, B vitamins and possibly. also made for the joints.

This also helps sustainably. You’re so young!

1 month ago

Drinking two to three litres of warm water every day relieves pain.

Due to the increased temperature of the water, noxious substances are dissolved in the body and removed.

A lack of water prevents poisoning.

Daily Magnesium take, from best magnesium citrate, there are various compounds.

I drink warm water every day and take enough magnesium for a few years and I’m fine.

1 month ago

desk space ergonomic design
Handball pad
Forearm support

make Thai massage every 1 to 2 weeks

I work 9 hours/day except Friday 4 hours/day so 40 hours on the PC.

Until 11 days of work break because of Corona I was sick in 15 years 0 days

1 month ago
Reply to  kaiser671

ergonomic design, correct heights chair desk legs

Forearm pads with mouse pad a plane so that wrist is not damaged, correct working height of the 3 monitors to keep the head at the right angle, etc. Slanted mouse when the mouse hand hurts below

1 month ago

you have to grow up with the desk so that nothing of it goes on joints spinal tendons.
Only then will you get better.
Thai masseuses, however, have more know how like a physique in joint problems

1 month ago


TheCSL TM137UVertical mouse is ergonomically designed for right-handers to minimise health loads during long work on the PC. When working with a conventional mouse, the arm is positioned in an unnatural position. This can lead to pain in time-intensive tasks and ultimately to an RSI syndrome, the so-called tennis or mouse arm. The vertical version of the TM137U allows a natural, neutral stance of the arm and the muscle remains relaxed. Your hand is additionally supported by the ergonomic design and the non-slip surface of the mouse.