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ist es erlaubt? also der geht sich in meinem kleinen Koffer aus
Studium dann pilot?
Ist es sinnvoll, zunächst 3 Jahre Bauingenieurwesen zu studieren und dann 2 Jahre Pilotenausbildung zu absolvieren, um eine Sicherheit zu haben, falls die Pilotenkarriere nicht wie erwartet verläuft
This depends entirely on which type of helicopter the rotor blade is intended for. A huge difference between a rotor blade for a small two-seat lightweight helicopter of the Robinson R22 type and a rotor blade for a CH 47. A sheet for an R22 at best costs the equivalent value of a small car, while the sheet of a CH47 or CH53 can already be the value of a detached house. For the usual turbine helicopters it is necessary to calculate costs in the 5-digit range. Unfortunately, such leaves do not keep unlimited, but have a limited service life, so that they have to be exchanged after a precisely defined number of operating hours.
200 .-
200,- Euros do not even extend as a deposit 🙂