Unfall unverschuldet?

Moin, ich hatte am Montag ein Unfall. Ich hatte nicht schuld. Der Gutachter hat sich mein Fahrzeug angeschaut. Der Schaden kostet 13.000€. Jetzt ist dir Sache, ich bin selber Kfz-Meister und kann es selber reparieren. Ich habe eine Werkstatt und kann es selber reparieren. Jetzt ist meine Frage: kann ich die 13.000€ auszahlen lassen und dann selber heile machen? Darf ich laut Gesetz die 13.000€ auszahlen lassen auf mein eigenstes Konto und selber an dem Fahrzeug schrauben?

LG Bernd

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3 years ago

You can calculate “by expert opinion”. It also means how long the repair can take. For these days you will receive loss of use.

Only VAT will be retained from the total amount.

If you provide invoices for spare parts you purchase, you can still claim VAT on these parts.

3 years ago

As a KFZ master, you should know exactly how the regulation of an accident damage takes place.

You can fix it yourself, but the VAT will not be paid to you.

3 years ago
Reply to  WECoyote

Look at your other questions. You’re definitely not a KFZ master!
You don’t even know what kind of gasoline you can refuel.

3 years ago

Hello Luluhamburg

I am also a Carrosseriemeister and have led a carrosserie for many years in Switzerland. You can pay off the damage. Of course, VAT is deducted and the hourly rate is taken from the insurance. But be careful, the experts are smart foxes:-) If your hourly rate of your workshop is lower, of course they want to take yours.

Another problem could be: you say 13,000 EUR costing. The expert/judicial has certainly not disassembled the car and doesn’t know what’s going on. There’s still something about this damage level. And if the costing program calculates incorrect or too cheap spare parts, you will have the jumper with the insurance again. You know what I mean?

Best regards

3 years ago

You get the money paid minus VAT, car rental and transfer costs. The opposing insurance can also reduce the hourly wage on the usual hourly rate. In the end, you have nothing of it. It is also questionable whether they fully grant the impairment loss because they are not repaired by the specialist company.

3 years ago
Reply to  martinreschke

Of course, one has something, had 3900€ front damage and got 2400€. It was worth it.

3 years ago
Reply to  NicoDehn21

What do you got from the money if the damage wasn’t repaired? The money is meant for the repair. If you scrape it, it looks different.

3 years ago

A bumper costs a maximum of one thousand. Paint 200, occasionally grow 150. They’re not 3900. It’s all right. It’s all right.

3 years ago

Sure, bumper, I was still home. Let paint for 150 and then add it. Where’s the problem?

3 years ago

If an opinion evaluates the damage with 3900, the damage never goes and never to repair for 150.

3 years ago

I could have repaired it for 150€, but I didn’t care.

3 years ago

Calls fictitious billing. You should know as a master.

3 years ago

As a motor vehicle champion, you should know how this is going, but if you are definitely not, you just need to look at your other questions about car.

3 years ago

Of course, you must do that as a KZ master But you know that you get only a part of the insurance then paid out: the material value and the value loss, no more

3 years ago
Reply to  Bernhard554

“…the material value and the value loss, no more…”

But there’s another one completely out there.

3 years ago
Reply to  hotrod66

the hourly wage of the workshop is then deducted

3 years ago
Reply to  Bernhard554

I’m sorry, but you’re totally out of it.

3 years ago
