Unfall alkoholisiert?
Ich bin mit einen Freund zusammen Auto gefahren. Wir waren beide sehr alkoholisiert und wir hatten beide einen Unfall, Polizei ist gekommen und ich habe abgelehnt zu blasen. Krieg ich Ärger? Ich war ja nur Beifahrerin. Können die mich anklagen auf irgendwas?
Bei ihm natürlich wurde Führerschein alles abgenommen und Blut.
You were not at the tax so there is no problem
Yes, yes. If you are consciously driven by an alcoholized person, then you can get a little cognizance.
She was self-alcoholized and wasn’t her sense, so her judgment was impaired
This does not matter or would at best develop a legal dispute.
It would be convenient if the driver said that the passenger was quiet and had no fault in the accident.
Yeah, that can cause trouble for you, too. The passenger can also lose the driver’s license.
This should be added at least 25 percent (OLG Frankfurt Az: 19 U 242/05). AsPassengersa drunken accident causer can even lose the driver’s license, and in case of an injury, the claim for pain money is reduced.07.02.2010
Passengers can also lose driving license – Autogazette.de
This will now turn out. Theoretically it is possible that you also receive a penalty in the case.
Yeah, if you got into the car of an alcoholized person, you can depend on a cognitive. Would you just say the opposite? Become difficult with friends when you were out together.
Whether this really happens is another question. How bad was the accident?
Mainly, you’re still alive and hopefully it was a lesson.