Unerklärliches Hautjucken/ Parasiten?
ich weiß nicht mehr weiter und hoffe auf erfahrene Menschen, die mir helfen können. Ich habe seit Wochen ein unerklärliches Jucken/Kribbeln meiner kompletten Haut. Besonders Abends im Bett spüre ich es besonders, als würde etwas auf meiner Haut krabbeln oder landen. Es ist nicht so schlimm dass ich mich kratzen muss und auch habe ich keinen Ausschlag oder Pusteln/ Bissstellen.
Ich war schon 2 mal beim Hautarzt. Er verschrieb mir eine Creme gegen trockene Haut die nicht hilft. Ich nehme auch Vitamine, die dagegen helfen sollen aber keine Besserung.
Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter. Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen an meinen Büchern beim Bett kleine Läuse gefunden. Aber angeblich verursachen die keinen Juckreiz?
Auch auf Bettwanzen habe ich alle kontrolliert aber nichts gefunden.
hat jemand eine Idee?
viele Grüße
Bed bugs or fleas would be the closest. If the crabble gets worse in bed in the evening, it would be thought of night-active parasites. Have you already studied the complete bed including mattress and slat rust, built apart, lit with a flashlight in all ridges, drill holes, looked at the mattress seams more closely? Does the footbar also look along the bed? In particular, whether there are small black dots (column dots), or skins or animals themselves (nymphs, i.e. babies of bedbugs or adult animals).
The missing stitches would, by the way, be very well compatible with bedbugs. About 50% of people do not react with skin reactions when they are stabbed by bedbugs. You don’t see anything.
In the case of a bedbug, it may sometimes take several months to see first traces. Especially in clean households.
I’m pressing the thumbs that it’s a bit harmless.
I pulled off the mattress covers, checked the slats and the mattresses. No traces of blood from the sting and no traces of feces found:( Also in June I was the last time on holiday, here in Germany. Didn’t I have to discover something now?
Thank you. I hope so too.
This can take weeks to months. And even then, the tracks are sometimes so discreet and hidden. Today, holiday in Germany is completely sufficient to catch the Viechers. They are widespread in Germany.
A chamber hunter can be ordered, but probably, like most chamber hunters, will only look superficially and will not find anything. Most chamber hunters are so much in a hurry because they have so many jobs nowadays (in summer especially) that they do not take the time to break a bed or turn a sofa and look inside. Then it usually happens that you pay a lot of money and the chamber hunter says there are no bedbugs. Well, months later you realize that didn’t vote… As long as the pest fighters don’t see anything, they don’t treat them, that’s also unfavorable, because the attack gets bigger.
Some of them were successful at night. But this is only successful if the infestation is already large enough, so you can see a vie. Then immediately photograph or store so that you have proof.
I also just realized that it also adores me during the day. I put myself on the couch and the same problem here. 🙁
So what can I do now to check this? A chamber hunter?
First, I recommend you one, let’s call it, cleansing, including the mattress, so that you really cleaned everything, care for skin-compatible detergents and cleaning agents.
If this does not help, I also recommend that you have tests on allergies and incompatibilities, as this can only occur at age. Things that were never problematic before, making old problems.
Thank you. I’ll talk to my doctor. :
In some incompatibility, it is sometimes recommended to go to an allergologist, the pediatrician usually tests the standard of incompatibility and allergies, usually not so ‘deeply’ depending on the case, it cannot always help because he is responsible for general and basic examinations.
Of course, consultation with the family doctor is never reversed.