Und wieder das Passwort verdrängt und nun?
Moin liebe Ratgeber…..
mein Sohn hat das Passwort vergessen und kann logischerweise nicht mehr auf seine Daten zugreifen. Da er noch unbedarfter als ich bin wollte ich fragen was man machen kann ohne alles zu löschen ? Es ist ein Medion Model E2228T mit Windows 10 . Als eventuelle Hilfe hab ich die Bilder hochgeladen. Auch diesmal möchte ich mich im vorab für jeden Tip bedanken.
you can try.
To avoid losing existing programs, apps and data.
Just take a look at the video.
In principle, we need a Win10 Booting Stick.
You can create it with any other PC for free.
With this we perform a problem treatment with CMD.exe.
Search Windows on hard drive.
Go there in System 32 -> utilman.exe
And bring them to the start screen with this cmd.exe.
(We have to reverse this.)
And enter our own password after restarting in cmd.exe.
We’re back on the original screen.
Here you can keep in mind.
For the future:
There are also small Fingerprint scanner for the USB port.
That would be at least an alternative to a password.
In terms of safety, they may not be so optimal. But some notebooks have installed such hard
It is also much better to write the password under the notebook. 😉
For the acute case:
But I didn’t try anything.
As long as you have not come to the idea of encrypting, you can simply drag your data from each OS boot and then drag your data from the record
And then you reinstall it
What is OS boats and how do I do that?
It only helps reset!
Either you run a local reinstallation or you install everything completely new.
Click on Restarts> Problem Treatment> This PC Reset> All Delete> OK> Reset.
Windows reinstallation:
⚠️Warning: All data will be deleted!⚠️
Please do not use a password or write it up!