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5 months ago


Yes, usually due to a differentiating of unfortunate coincidences or by displacement or of the “do not want to come true”

Sometimes women take drugs, are somehow sick or have other reasons to justify the failure of their period. Some have such a stressful life that they don’t even notice it. Many symptoms or weight gain explain them by unhealthy diet, too little exercise, unhealthy lifestyle, little sleep etc.

Sometimes they also had an unconscious intake error of the pill and are then pregnant despite pill (almost rarely!!!) and miss the check dates or have no (USA, for example) so that pregnancy is not noticed and the truth is only brought to light with birth.

Sometimes it also lacks education as in poor countries with low access to education. Some of the young girls are pregnant by (sometimes) abuse and do not know anything about it. Only when the recognizable and unambiguous symptoms and pain of birth or Pregnancy will occur many from the environment then attentive. At the latest when the child comes out, you know.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



5 months ago

There’s nothing there is.

The human mind is capable of astonishing deprivation, and so it actually happens again and again that women only realize at birth that they were pregnant. And these are not all thick women, but sometimes very thin.

A rough example here:–dass-es-pregnant-ist-8999706.html

Displaced pregnancy – Wikipedia

“The displaced pregnancy, which is diagnosed until the 20th week of pregnancy, has an incidence of 1:475. The incidence of a displaced pregnancy, which becomes evident only with birth, is 1:2455. The frequency of women born unplanned at home in such a case makes 1 out of 9821 cases.”

In 2023, 692,989 children were born in Germany. Since some of them are multiples, we are generously rounding down to 650,000 births or absent pregnancy.

Means: statistically speaking, there are 650,000 pregnancy in about 1,350 pregnancies, which only after 20 years. a week will be discovered and about 260 pregnancies that are found only at birth; of which about 60 children are born unplanned at home.

In Germany. A year. So it’s not that extraordinary. In the extended acquaintance there is even a gynecologist whose daughter-in-law was complaining about strange abdominal pain one day at a family celebration. Said gynecologist went to the hospital with son and daughter-in-law, in which he worked himself to clarify the cause and almost fainted when an abdominal ceiling sound was made in the emergency room and turned out that the woman was already in the 7th. Month was pregnant (of which she had not known herself).

The causes are manifold.

There is, for example, the possibility that slight bleeding can occur at the beginning of pregnancy and can be confused with a (also this time very weak) period bleeding. And then, of course, the brain is capable of amazing displacement powers. Although the woman may swear stone and leg that she has bleeded quite normal until four weeks ago, it may have been four months ago – especially if she does not book her period. In the course of pregnancy, the woman repeatedly has light bleeding from different causes and holds this for her period, although the bleeding is neither in the nature, duration or intensity of the period.

5 months ago

It happens very rarely, but there is.

5 months ago

In very rare cases this can happen. But many cases where women claim it would have been like this are more related to displacement than anything else.

5 months ago

In very rare cases, this happens, yes. Presumably especially in overweight women, women who are not so educated about contraception and pregnancy, women who do not want to be aware that they are pregnant or have cycle disorders and have no regular period anyway.

5 months ago

Yes, but in 99% of the cases has psychological reasons such as displacement.

5 months ago

Yeah, that’s happened more often.

5 months ago

So there is actually called hidden pregnancy is rare but there are some women who had that

5 months ago

That’s what happened.