Unbemerkt Fruchtwasserabgang?


ich hatte gestern und heute verstärkt nasse Unterhosen. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher das es kein Urin ist aber normalerweise habe ich keinen so starken Ausfluss.

Bevor ich jetzt die Pferde scheu mache, meine Hebamme ist gerade nicht in der Nähe und der Frauenarzt ist jetzt auch nicht mehr erreichbar.

Kann es sein das man einen Blasensprung nicht mitbekommt? Ich kann mich nicht erinnern irgendwann das Gefühl gehabt zu haben, das etwas läuft.

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1 year ago

I want you to go to the clinic. Yes, it happens that it “sickes”. The fruit bubble is no longer sterile, you have to go to the clinic.

1 year ago

Fruit water is pretty clear, can have white (yogurt-like) slurries and smells nothing at all. Urine would smell you.

My midwife once said to me that you should sit down on the toilet, as if you want to leave urine, but don’t press, just sit down and move the underbody slowly back and forth, and circle something. When liquid emerges, it is fruit water.

By moving, the fruit water comes from the “Riss”.

This is not an emergency at first, as it is only watered and re-educated by the body, you should still (if the described method has worked) imagine yourself in the clinic. There could be germs coming in and it should be simply checked. You’re not writing the SSW now.

But you better go and take a look at this, and you have rest and no rest.

1 year ago
Reply to  lalelu954

Was with me too, that was always so lightly moist – but I went away from myself but I was already beyond the stage that it would have been an early birth.

I believe that cracks can also heal by themselves – but always if you feel uncomfortable, are restless, constantly thinking about it, are afraid, can’t sleep – drive to the clinic, let’s look (no matter what time) and then you’re calmed. They don’t sneak when it was “Fehlalarm”. Security is going on.