Unbekanntes elektromechanischer Luftschwinger: was ist das?

In einem Netzgerät habe ich ein elektromechanisches Teil gefunden, das ich noch nie gesehen habe, und dessen Funktion mir hier völlig schleierhaft ist.
Es ist ein hoefer 500xt power supply (googeln nach bildern)
Darin ein Teil, mit zwei “Flügeln”, die nach dem Einschalten brummen und im 50Hz-Takt hin und her wedeln.
Sie bewegen die Luft und halten vielleicht Insekten fern, keine Ahnung.
Was soll das?

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11 months ago

For the first time. Perhaps this is a particularly clever solution for a particularly quiet or low-wear fan?

Update: I think it will be something in this direction. At least this looks quite similar to that of you:


11 months ago

Quite spontaneously, I would think of something in the area of capacity or induction. Unfortunately, there is nothing to be recognized (thanks to it). Either the capacitance of a capacitor changes while the opposite plates change the distance or the inductance of two coils changes. Lastly, it would be conceivable that the vibration has a type of braking function, since the air resistance becomes effective. I don’t know exactly what is being braked there and brought into a generally less escalating sinusoidal vibration (e.g. any switching clock).

Hits on Google:



11 months ago
Reply to  atoemlein

Yes, as I said, Piezo is here at work. Piezocrystals vibrate when supplying electrical voltage and they generate electricity when subjected to mechanical stress. One or both effects are obviously useful for device control.