Umzug, wie erhalt ich die Post?
Hey, ich bin vor 2 Wochen umgezogen. Ich erhalte keine Post nichts, ich bin umgemeldet, aber vlt muss ich mich bei der Post ummelden? Alle wichtigen Briefe kommen zu meinen Eltern, wie das mit dem Auto funktioniert, weiß ich garnicht, wahrscheinlich muss ich das auch ummelden?
you must have a posting request at the post that costs approx. 20 euros.
1 week.
The post has nix to do with your transfer
You don’t need to change your car. However, it should compare as Cologne is more expensive than somewhere in new Brandenburg. ;
We had to change our car.
That is not true at all.
Sorry you’re right, I was confused. You can take the old license plate with the registration is mandatory.
Keep license plate: Car registration when moving (
You need to give all your new address by phone, or better: your email address.
Bullshit. The magic word is: You don’t have to change e-mail addresses.
Eben, I get mail almost with email. Then he wouldn’t need a posting order.
Why, I gave my e-mail address to the house administration, my insurance, my mailroom etc. It’ll cost nix.
14,99€ Monthly only because you get it by email?
Pretty stupid.
Of course, you have to tell everyone you have to do with your new address.
Submission request is simpler. And strangely, my insurance at that time already knew it…
The request is usually only a limited time.
The senders are not necessarily informed.
What is after the request for a post?
Insurances, banks, mobile providers, streaming providers, fitness studios, employers … etc do not just know that and usually want written information.
Until then, all important people should know. If he doesn’t, he’ll remember if there’s any mail on Mutti.
You should register with the people and institutions you expect important post. It accelerates.
Send a posting order at the post office. Car must also be registered
Submission request. And specify your address change anywhere. Workstation, bank, insurance. You have to do everything yourself.
Request for submission. You can do online.
You have to make a post request at the post office.
This is valid for half a year, as much as I know
Or for a whole year as you want.
It’s been too long for me…
Can you extend it again if necessary
You need to fill in a post request at the post office