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1 year ago

This depends on whether you want to change to the savings bank at the new residence or stay with the previous savings bank.

That’s what’s going on. a difference if you need advice or help in a branch if you want to deposit cash, and other conditions will apply (which may be cheaper or more expensive).

1 year ago

You move to a place where your previous savings bank has no branch. You can still take money with your card from other banks or savings banks at the vending machine, but it was almost that. If you want to stay with a Sparkasse customer, the change to the Sparkasse based there is recommended. The savings banks offer a “income service”.

1 year ago

Usually this is done, but sometimes not. Try it out.

1 year ago

with your previous card you can also withdraw money from the Sparkasse in the new district. Has nothing to do with the county