Umzug einer Website von einem Webspace auf anderen?
Hallo zusammen,
das Restaurant, für das ich arbeite, hat eine bestehende Website. Der Chef möchte nun das Website-Modul von gastronovi (eine Restaurant-All-in-one-Softwarelösung, die wir nutzen) nutzen aus vorgeschobenen Kostengründen. Ich kümmere mich ums Marketing, bin aber kein Webhost oder -master oder so (mein Chef ist aber der Meinung, dass eine Person im Marketing auch alle Dinge, die auch nur im entferntesten mit Marketing zu tun haben, können muss). Ich habe versucht, mich in das Thema einzulesen, aber ich bin hier eigentlich komplett Laie, mein Chef möchte aber auch keine Agentur oder jemanden Externes (Experte) einbeziehen (anderes Thema zum Augenverdrehen).
Handelt es sich hierbei denn dann um einen Relaunch, Migration, Umzug? Wir wechseln nicht den Provider, sondern nur den Webspace? Wie ist das denn mit den Weiterleitungen? Wird das beim Provider “einfach” eingetragen? Unsere bestehende Website wird bei gastronovi nachgebaut. Hier müssten dann ja die Seiten zu den bestehenden URLs zugewiesen werden. Wahrscheinlich stelle ich auch die falschen Fragen und es kommt auf etwas anders an?
Ich hoffe, ihr versteht so bisschen, was ich meine. Ich habe so viele Frage und stoße immer wieder auf neue und wirklich klarer wird auch nichts. Vielleicht stehe ich auch auf dem Schlauch.
first of all, you don’t have to. Marketing has nothing to do with web development or server administration. I don’t know gastronovi now, but website module is called in the rule it is a closed system, i.e. you can’t use your current website anymore.
if it’s just about the domain move, you need the Authcode from the old provider and have to start the transfer from the new provider. Just for the email address and the data in it should be made by a professional.
Thanks for your quick answer!
Yes, I know – my boss does not, and he does not understand or does not want to understand. For him this has everything to do with marketing, because is website. I can say and explain what I want. This is a very big topic with us in the company, also with other departments. 😉
Personally, I don’t see any sense in moving from WordPress to gastronovi. Our website works and we are much more unstoppable than from the closed system.
I’m just trying to find arguments why we shouldn’t. The obvious do not draw and despite misunderstanding will then want to be heard hand-resistant arguments. But I would also like to understand the backgrounds for interest.
I don’t think I’m throwing a few words together or I don’t understand the Hintergrüunde.
Gastronovi, of course, just put it there. You have a package that includes the replica of the website. That’s nice and good and they build us the new side according to our wishes, but I think about the move. It is and remains the same domain and the same provider (Strato). But all the URLs have to go on to the newly built site and so. That also affects ranking, right? And that must be set up somehow. Gastronovi says: It just has to be linked and the webspace changed. Maybe I’m really on the hose, but I’d think there’s a lot more to it.
I didn’t understand the problem. If the hoster does not change, it is only moved to a larger webpace, nothing usually changes. The hoster assigns you a new package and everything remains as it is.
The webspace is probably connected to a domain, so all the paths are correct and as long as the domain does not change, nothing changes in the call.
The domain doesn’t care where the web is.
If the problem is different, please write more concrete.
Greetings from katzebiggi
Thank you for your answer!
I have difficulty in putting this into words, as I know too little about the subject. If it were to go after me, I would like to ask an expert or agency or to “order” with the topic. But this is not possible.
So it’s about having a WordPress page now, but my boss wants to book the website module that offers gastronovi (closed system). Here a completely new side of gastronomic would be built. The current is no longer needed. The current www address remains the same and the whole page must be moved. Now links need to work in the future and everything needs to be forwarded? Do I have too many thoughts? Is the DNA entry change enough? And if gastronovi designs the URLs as they are now?
I hope you understand what I mean. I’m probably throwing words together, or I’ve been mistaken mentally
Why does something have to be moved. You only do this when you change the host, but not when everything is the same and only the software changes. There is no change in the DNs, the IP is still the same.
Whether it’s wordpress or gastrosoftware, it doesn’t matter. The content is created and finished on the new software.
I can’t understand your thoughts.
A new website, of course, also has other links, the old ones do not work anymore. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed because each software has its own link names. But that doesn’t matter, because you always call the url and continue from there. This is only relevant to search engines, but they quickly understand that something has changed.
Question is, this gastronovi, from whom is this set up? Is that the software provider? If so, that’s your contact. If you don’t, you’re the one who needs to work into the software.