Moving swimming pool?
How do you change at the pool? Is it allowed to quickly strip naked before going to the locker room, or should you go to the changing room?
How do you change at the pool? Is it allowed to quickly strip naked before going to the locker room, or should you go to the changing room?
Hallo, Ich möchte einen Rückwärtssalto vom Sprungturm lernen. Meine Freundin meint es ist vom dreier einfacher. Da gibt es aber mehrere Probleme 1. Ich traue mich nur vom 1er einen Salto der nie klappt weil ich mein Kopf IMMER nach links drehe und dann auf dem Bauch lande, wenn ich aber ein Rückwärtshechter mache (das…
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What does the diver have in his mouth?
Do you find it weird when men wear brief-style swimming trunks? Especially since your legs get a tan in the sun, and they don't stick to your skin like those disgusting long shorts. And you can swim better, too.
Hey! What could I wear to surprise my boyfriend? It's supposed to be a lovely, romantic evening, and I'd love to show off my best, sexiest side… Or rather, what else do you wear? Something sexy and revealing?
Hello everyone, just out of curiosity, you are allowed to take a 0.5 liter bottle with you to an indoor swimming pool and dive in the pool
I’ve never experienced that there was such a stress.
But this is not a guarantee.
A dressing is on the one hand there for that one feels comfortable.
And on the other hand, because someone might feel disturbed.
When I’m in the swimming pool in the evening I’m not much going on, I’ve often dressed up directly on the locker, so drop a towel and dress it over, have seen some incl bathmasters, who has never said anything when you’re naked in front of the locker. I don’t mind, I went back naked to the shower again because I had forgotten my panties in the shower, without being allowed here, LG
No, no, no, no, no.
I’m always just going into the collection dresses, but just like that would be a no-go.
Always in the cabin or collective dressing. The things are not there for decoration.
Whether allowed or not stands in the house regulations of each swimming pool. Just ask for trouble.
When one sees you naked in the hallway, you will be prompted to go to a cabin immediately.
Don’t let that happen, you can be thrown out.
Usually everything is in house order.
Yes I do
always in the cabin.. otherwise you will get a bad ID at our swimming pool.