Umwelt-aktivistin verurteilt – meinungen?
Ihr kennt wahrscheinlich alle noch die Proteste “dannenröder Forst:
Eure Meinungen:
Ihr kennt wahrscheinlich alle noch die Proteste “dannenröder Forst:
Eure Meinungen:
Er stellt wenig Ansprüche an den Boden und bekommt allein schon 35 Tonnen trockne Blätter die im Herbst runterfallen pro Hektar pro Jahr , sollten Kühe eher auf solchen Felder leben vielleicht noch mit paar anderen Bäumen , wäre das ein Ersatz für nur Wiese . Wiese hat ein Ertrag von 10 Tonnen Trockenmasse pro…
Aus 1tonne Cellulose kann man 400 Liter Bioethanol machen das wären zb bei einem Hanffeld mit 10 Tonnen Strohertrag pro Hektar 4000 Liter Bioethanol Gibt man es den Kühen ?
My buddy lives in Wesseling near Cologne, a small town that actually only consists of industrial plants. There are chemical plants and two oil refineries, one in the north and one in the south of the town. The miner in question lives right next to the northern refinery. In winter, when the wind is unfavorable,…
I noticed it today while swimming!
Was macht EWE für die Nachhaltigkeit?
Wir hatten unter der Erde Styropor liegt es an dem Styropor?
I have quite sympathies for protests by people who care about environmental and nature. Civil disobedience can also be justified in my view if it serves a reasonable purpose and remains within a peaceful framework. But there is no justification for acts of violence and we cannot tolerate it as a society.
If I find well also time will go some already to the criminal danger roads etc. that goes too far.
Without civil disobedience, it won’t go. See Wackersdorf. See Kalkar.
But he has his limits, violence does not go.
For Wackersdorf am too young (44), many others also.
I know it was a big topic, waa and so, but I don’t know the events
A criminal gets her just punishment.
That’s it! Because of her resistance, she has seriously threatened police life.
Should you also do with those who now endanger others on roads.
I think the woman is sick. Their actions are witnessing massive self-examination.