Umtergewicht aber fit?
Liebe Community
Ich bin weiblich, 19 Jahre. Ich bin 172cm gross und wiege 50-51kg. Ich wiege schon seit ich 16 bin 50kg. Ich esse normal und fühle mich wohl damit.
Ist mein Gewicht in Ordnung solange ich mich wohl fühle und normal esse?
It’s a little underweight, but not dramatic.
You seem to be very slender from nature and that’s why I’d say it fits.
You feel comfortable, eat normal, so you can’t stand it.
56 kg says the BMI as a minimum, but according to your description everything seems to fit.
Thank you, yes was always slim and very narrow.
All right. You can’t always take the BMI so seriously.
Enjoy your life 😉
There’s a reason BMI really doesn’t take so seriously here: It’s the young age of the questioner. Otherwise, I would advise a doctor’s visit to the underweight. I think that there is a problem of flat-rate statements, in the case of such BMI deviations in one direction or another, not to take them too seriously. Then why is he there?
I do. 😉👍
Hmm, if you’re doing sports, and it wouldn’t matter to your body I’d say it’s okay. Your BMI is too low as long as you are fit, but it’s okay. Do you have any complaints you may raise; could lead back underweight?
I move regularly, but don’t do much sports. I don’t have complaints, except that sometimes in the morning I get a little dizzy when I get up fast.
I think that’s normal, that’s a lot. If you really want to go for sure, you can go to the doctor who will check you out.
Thank you!
So with 19 you are still teenager and your physical development is not yet completed. Your weight is the result of a natural-normal behavior and not a strong concern to be “too fat” and consciously to eat too little.
Yeah, all right. I’m also underweight, but I feel great with it.
Okey, this is great! Sometimes I feel a little alone because most of the girlfriends are more likely to fight too many kilos…
You’re not alone. I know that.
I don’t think I’m underweight. If I remember, this was also my weight up to about mid-30 at about the same size and I don’t remember being somehow unfit.
It’s a perfect weight anyway.
Looks like the BMI doesn’t agree with everyone.
in order!