Umschulung von Industriekauffrau zur Versicherungskauffrau Dauer?
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe im Sommer meine Ausbildung zur Industriekauffrau erfolgreich abgeschlossen und bin nun man überlegen ob ich nicht doch lieber in Bereich Versicherung gehen möchte. Meine Frage ist nun wie lange würde eine Umschulung dauern und mit was für ein Aufwand ? Ist das überhaupt möglich?
Retraining lasts 2 years, is to be compared with regular training, only that a training year is skipped. However, the tests are identical to those who learn the profession for 3 years.
Retraining will also only be financed if you can not exercise your profession for health reasons or you have learned a profession that is barely available or the chances are very low. The financing shall be carried out either through the Employment Agency or the Pension Insurance Agency.
What you can do with your commercial training is training or learning a nine profession regularly. That’s not retraining!
Continuing training can take from one day to several months, and you can learn more about the educational institutions that offer you an interesting training.
In your case, it would be a second training.