Umschulung, Quereinsteiger oder Studium? Was bringt mehr Geld?

Hallo zusammen,

ich bin ausgelernte Erzieherin und verdiene auch ganz gut.
Seit zwei Jahren arbeite ich nun in meinem aktuellen Kindergarten und kann vor lauter Stress nicht mehr denken. Darum bin ich nun von 39h/Woche auf 25h/Woche runtergegangen. Natürlich mit weniger Geld. Genau genommen sind es 700€ Netto weniger. Das mache ich nun seit einem Monat und ich merke, dass ich vorne und hinten nicht auskomme. Mein Mann verdient zwar gut, wir haben aber auch zwei Autos und eine große Wohnung und hätten gerne irgendwann ein Kind.

Nun endlich zu meinem Problem:

Ich hasse meinen Beruf! Ich bereue meine Berufswahl so sehr, dass ich nicht mehr weiß, was ich machen soll. Ich würde liebend gerne in einem kaufmännischen Beruf arbeiten z.B. Bürokauffrau. Am liebsten wäre mir aber irgendwas mit Grafik Design.
Zwischeninfo: ich habe mit 16 eine Ausbildung als Bankkauffrau gemacht. Aber nach einem Jahr abgebrochen. Ich war einfach noch zu jung dafür. 😀

Nun meine bis jetzt in Erfahrung gebrachten Möglichkeiten:
Neue Ausbildung? -> noch weniger Geld für mind. 3 Jahre

Studium? -> gleich bleibendes Geld (zu wenig) und schwierig mit meiner Arbeitszeit (täglich 8-13 Uhr)

Fernstudium?-> gewünschter Studiengang kostet 180€ im Monat. Bei 700€ eh schon weniger, kannste knicken.

Quereinsteiger? -> Gleiches Gehalt wie jetzt auf Teilzeit nur mit 40h/Woche.

Vielleicht hat noch irgendjemand eine Idee? Oder hat vielleicht das selbe durch?

Ich möchte hier wirklich nicht rüberkommen, als wolle ich nicht arbeiten. Ich würde auch liebend gerne wieder Vollzeit arbeiten, aber ich schaffe es nicht 8 Stunden am Tag 95 Dezibel ausgesetzt zu sein. Und auch nicht dem mentalen Stress.

Danke für eure Antworten im Voraus 🙂

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1 year ago

With a commercial training, you will hardly earn more in the first years after training in full time than now with the 25 hours. Until you arrive in this area for about 3100 euros, which you will probably get after two years according to the pay table TVöD-SuE, you can easily plan 5-10 years of work. And then, as a “only” businesswoman for office management, and thus probably in a secretariat or assistance job, you won’t really get further up.

Don’t underestimate the salaries of educators! For significantly higher grades, there is a need for a study or profession in a very well-paid, very in demand area, e.g. in IT. Even graphic design is not a suitable way, this is also not a high-wage area…

So my tip would be more like to see your page of expenditure together and consider which marks you could make there. If you have two salaries and your husband’s “good”, probably higher than yours, you probably live clearly above your circumstances. And right now, if you want to get out of your profession and get into another one, which is extremely likely to be associated with further financial losses, you have to start at this point!

Then you can consider what you really want to do, where your interests and strengths lie. Perhaps your profession would be more appropriate for you if you practice it in one of the other possible fields of activity? You didn’t decide to do this job without reason, did you? And there are some areas away from Kitas where educators can work. Perhaps one of the areas for which a study of social work would be necessary? For example, in the Youth Office area, if you like business activities?

1 year ago
Reply to  jeayla

And why should the next-time study of social work not be feasible? Do quite a lot in the area!

You can also consider whether you are looking for another job in your current job in another field of activity. The burdens, for example, in housing groups or in offers of open work are quite different than in Kita, the target group is different, the work itself is different. And just everything that goes more into the area of the HzE would be anything but bad for the change to the youth office then, right?

1 year ago

Well, but weekend and night service is perfect! You’re writing, you want kids, so you don’t have one. And if you work predominantly on weekends and at night, you could even see if these working hours were not even studying in presence or at night. could fit with a fairly high percentage of presence!

By the way, I am a staff member with a child and youth support. In one of our stationary offers, a colleague makes exactly this – secondary studies and to have time air for it, primarily weekend and night services. It’s pretty good for her!

But as already written – it is essential to thoroughly check and reduce your expenditure side in order to have air!

1 year ago

What do you want to study? At the FernUni Hagen (and this is a state university) you get away significantly cheaper.

1 year ago
Reply to  jeayla

You can study BWL at the FernUni, no problem.

For the Bachelor in full-time studies, you need 6 semesters, the costs for the entire course are 1700 euros.

But, sometimes as an idea: Even if you hate the profession educator by now, can you imagine studying something related? There is a degree course in education at the FernUni. BWLer there are many, but in education you already have professional experience in the field, that would be an advantage.

Unfortunately, too many dreams of graphic design. The career prospects for a firm job are not so great, and as a freelancer you fight for every job.