Umschulung als Technischer Produktdesigner?

Hallo wenn ich meine 3,5 jährige Ausbildung als Zerspanungsmechaniker absolviere. Kann ich danach eine Umschulung als technischer produktdesigner machen und wie läuft sowas ab?

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1 month ago

In principle, retraining is nothing other than a temporary vocational training.

But you can do so many times at any time Continuing or continuing training is how you want.

1 month ago

If there’s a reason you need one, yes.

But you can also simply do a second training yourself.

1 month ago

I would advise you to make the technically tested mechanical engineer. Training takes 2 years, after which you can apply as a designer and earn significantly more money.

1 month ago
Reply to  Phanto500

The designer sits in the office and works in development. Like cars, machines, etc. A product designer is the lowest rail in the office, with a technical designer. Would strongly advise you to complete the training, then make the training a technician.

1 month ago

Here you will find a step-by-step guide to the topic of further education: Continuing vocational training | Federal Employment Agency

And here you can have personal and free advice on your question: Advice by the Agency for Work | Federal Agency for Work