umsatz zu hoch eingeschätzt?


hab meine steuerklärung dem Finanzamt mitgeteilt und warte seitdem auf meine steuernummer. Ich gehe mal davon aus dass ich den Umsatz generiert kriege aber wie gehe ich vor wenn die Einschätzung doch zu hoch lag also wenn ich weniger Umsatz erziele als angegeben? Hab ich da was zu befürchten oder ist alles ok?

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2 years ago

It’s okay! It’s just an estimate and it’s never safe.

It could be more problematic if you’re 5,000 and make 500,000. Otherwise, it is absolutely no problem. Then you could ask that you prove that your estimate was reasonable from the time.

But as I said, it’s an estimate that no one can ask for security.

2 years ago
Reply to  NeumanDa

Although this should be considered critical only to a limited extent, if the correct values (here 500,000) are given in the declaration and the entrepreneur has always correctly made the UStVAs beforehand, and therefore nothing has to be owed until the registration in the FsE.
It has yes, except where applicable §19 UStG or the question whether the desired or actual tax is not a real effect
In the case of the ESt, of course, such a serious difference could lead to a not inconsiderable repayment, but also here I would not consider it to be critical if everything is properly explained (until the relatively cheap credit until fixing).

2 years ago

So the data in the FsE are estimates, is even included.
If the turnover is now under (or even over) this is the second-ranking factor for the claim, since an entrepreneur can rarely estimate as one year.

Since you have to make a tax return at the end, the exact value is communicated/explained here.