Umsatz steigern auf dem Dorffest?


wir haben im im Frühsommer ein Fest vom Verein und wollten wissen, wie man den Umsatz bzw. dann Gewinn maximieren kann. Haben auf der Getränkeliste normale Longdrinks, kurze und Weine und halt das standart Essen wie Pommes/Wurst.

Meine Frage: Habt ihr ideen, wie man mehr Umsatz macht/Leute zum trinken animieren, dass die viel liegen lassen?

Hype getränke verkaufen?

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1 year ago

How about musical underpainting? There comes good ceremonial mood, and that seems to be a lot of work.

A small lottery with profits and lots is also an idea.

Each 3rd drink of a person costs half.

1 year ago

If you put two straws in the Longdrinks instead of a straw, or Jumbo straws that are actually yogurt for milkshakes and Frozen, then the glasses become empty faster.

Knabberzeugs can also be placed, but instead of the usual salt pastries and non-rmal crackers, particularly sharp things like Takis chips.

But you shouldn’t do it that you just fill people because of turnover and then risk alcohol poisoning and racket. It’s not good for the club’s call.

1 year ago

Wine is an ungrateful business, it just gets drunk too little. We have specialised in cocktails over 10 years ago, but it must be warm enough for this “business model”.

Simple recipes, one of them non-alcoholic. And Caipirinha must always be there, you can prepare it wonderfully. In time, only faggots crush on the hands of the limon. We make 200-250 pieces on an evening to 4 € per glass.

1 year ago

Also offer non-alcoholic drinks and extend the menu a little.

1 year ago

First and foremost, you should understand the target group.
Who’s going to buy you? What do they want?

In the second place, you should pay attention to your margin. How can you offer the products you need?