Umrüsten von Xenon auf Bixenon?
Kann ich bei meinem Audi a4 B6 S-line meine Xenonscheinwerfer ausbauen und durch neue Bixenon Scheinwerfer ersetzen?
Kann ich bei meinem Audi a4 B6 S-line meine Xenonscheinwerfer ausbauen und durch neue Bixenon Scheinwerfer ersetzen?
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It should be possible, but you also need a new on-board power control if I should be right.
In order to save the costs and work, perhaps stronger pears for the high beam would not be an alternative ?
Thanks for answering the ECU.
My problem is that I bought two new Xenon headlights now. I wanted to install them and found that the electrics didn’t fit. I contacted the seller who then wanted the key number and the identification number. It turned out that the headlights do not fit and there are only Bixenon headlights.
Key number is 0588822. Audi a4b6 S4 S-line.
And I can’t find anything for this model. The reason for buying is an error message of light-width regulation that has a defect after a small incident. I also read out the error code.
Who knows a manufacturer who offers suitable xenon lights. Thank you
Did the level sensor on the front axle have been checked if it is hot? It has to do with the lighting range regulation.
That’s interesting. Then it could be a real S4 but with the wrong motor. That’s funny, I’m overwhelmed. I haven’t heard about that yet.
I’m sorry.
I also wish you and a pleasant night!
Hello. I know what a S4 is. But with me, the S4 is also in the letter and vehicle license. Is that a special model?
Optically he looks like an S4, with mirror, exhaust etc.
I hope I don’t bother you..😅
By the way, I have now compared pictures of Xenon and Bis Xenon. Lentil size etc. Strangely, I have a large lens inside, but still only Xenon.
Wish you a nice weekend 👍
Hello, the S4 and RS4 are the even more sporty models with a larger engine and engine capacity at Audi. Like golf a GTI or an R model.
I think I’m approaching the solution. 😅
I looked up and it’s xenon headlights.
The headlights from Diederichs for 505€ were now offered to me via the accessories trade. After examining the VIN, etc., they said that they were installed with my car Bi – Xenon. From work.🤔
In the AudiForum I found the solution to the problem. Xenon have a small lens and the inner housing is chrome. Bin xenon have a larger lens and the inner housing is anthracite, i.e. gray.
Bi- xenon, however, can easily be confused with the S4 xenons, since the inner housing is also gray. But these have a smaller lens. 👍
So I have the S4 installed, which there was not too often in the execution. That is why the problem of buying.
Accordingly, they do not know everything in the accessories trade, here auto spare parts de.
Now I will address the problem again, whether it is the right ones, by Diederichs.
If not, I’ll take the original.
At the end there is still a question. What does the sign S4 mean for my Audi a4 b6 8E2???
Do not have a V8 engine, just the BEX engine with chip.
Ciao, Reiner
You’re welcome.
Thank you!
So, as you say, if passing beam Xenon and high beam halogen is then it’s Xenon headlight. If both are in one, it’s Bi Xenon. The best way to turn on light by car and look at what happens when hitting the high beam. When a sepperate pear arrives or the high-beam light arrives from the low beam via the Xenon burner. Try with a 2nd person.
Servus. It’s me again.
Know today that lt. FIN (VIN) has my car Bi-Xenon. But my car workshop thinks it’s Xenon, because the low beam is Xenon and the low beam is halogen. And I believe that the passing beam and the driving beam at Bixenon are in one version. The workshop says something else. How can I check this out now?
Can you give me a tip?
Thank you.
Unfortunately, the manufacturer says nothing to me. If I install headlights from the accessories then rather Hella or other naming manufacturers.
So if the original part number of Audi is also displayed at the headlight of ”Akabus”, I would say that these should fit. At the price maybe order and watch, return in case of emergency if there are no traces of use.
Good luck, I liked it!
Thank you for the info.
Finally, I wanted to ask you, as I’m currently researching on the net, whether e.g. headlights from Akabus, which I saw for about 150€ per piece at KFZ Parts24, could also fit?
I’m not interested in the price, but I compared the original audible number you sent me and it’s the same. This also fits the key number and the type designation.
All the same. Do you have any experiences, if everything fits like that?
Thanks and LG from Nuremberg
Good evening.
These are the original parts numbers of Audi directly and also the price per piece directly at Audi.
Lg. !
Hello and nice good evening.
These two numbers I have also received today via the portal Autodocs and the headlights of Diederichs have been repeatedly offered to me. But these are Bixenon spotlights that would have to be rebuilt in a complicated manner so that they are Xenon.
Furthermore, the warranty expires as the lamp housing has to be opened. All this is in the AudiForum. This is explained in detail. I really don’t have the time for this.
With regard to the headlights you mentioned, could you call me the company where I get them? Or are the original of Audi?
Thank you in advance for your competent opinion.
MfG Cleaner
Top thanks!
The OE numbers of the headlamps are as follows:
Links : 8E0941029T
Legal : 8E0941030T
796,- € + VAT.
Meals. Here’s the number.
That’s it.
Thanks as well:-)
Hello. Do you mean the 17-digit FIN?
Nice evening.🤗
If it should help, I could tell you the OE numbers of the headlights if I had the chassis number. LG.
To the info. Also those of Diederich are Bixenon, who need to be rebuilt. I don’t want to deal with the annoying subject anymore. Apparently nobody can call me the right Xenon headlights. Ciao Reiner🙆
Meal! As you have already mentioned, I will renew the sensor first. If that doesn’t work, maybe the servomotor before I buy the expensive ones. Nice second advent. 👍
Good morning. Don’t understand why this is so complicated in the car. Let’s hope, if you take this one, that they will fit without any problems. Great success 😃😊
Moin moin. I got the mail that these headlights didn’t fit. Now, as an alternative, those of Diederichs for approx. 500€ the piece offered. These fit, although in the description is the lamp type Bixenon. Who’s supposed to look through this.
Thanks for the info. Not for that!
Hello and good evening. Looked in there and found them. Apparently they fit. Once again, in the forum, the data entered whether they would really fit.
I’m skeptical as other companies are there. Had bought two Xenon spotlights from ATP, which were then wrong. Other models are in the same price segment, so I have become cautious.
Wait for what they’re writing to me. Thank you for your help. 👍
@ Good morning, just looked in the parts program again. Google times from Van Wezel number 0325982. This should not be Bi-Xenon headlights, but normal Xenon headlights. Please give feedback!
Interesting, thanks for the info.
Hello and good morning. I already had those spotlights on the radar. The dealer offered me this. But it’s Bixenon. And they do not fit into the model I have, lt.Key number. lt. Forum in another Audichat has to be rebuilt. This is too much work on adaptation.
So, for example, you want this one?