Umrechnung von Bildern 2k und 4k Monitoren?
wenn man Videos auf einem 1440 Monitor anschaut, welche in 1080 bzw. 2160 vorhanden sind, werden diese ja nicht 100% perfekt umgerechet. Ist das bei Bildern eigentlich auch der Fall? Bzw. gibt es bei Bildern auch Formate, welche idealerweise auf 1080 statt 1440 angeguckt werden?
Images are also affected. Don’t be. You can view images and videos in formats, so if the screen is full (in both cases) then you have the conversion problem. But what you can do is show the native resolution of the image, then you have black edges – but the image representation is correct (also applies to videos)
The general problem is that the conversion from fullhd to 4k is quite simple 1pixel becomes 4 pixels. A pixel is square, ergo can be seen in both cases a black spot. If, on the other hand, we have an odd conversion as in 1440p, then you only have 1 pixel = 3 pixels. How do you want to display a square with 3 pixels? – Not at all. That is, the last pixel must be guessed. (before all when high-scale – when scaling down, I know that he must be black – so at least theoretically) That’s why in each case you have quality loss in the pictures themselves.
You get as much as your monitor has or less
If you now set on Youtube on 2k but only have a 1080p monitor, your image is still on 1080 but your PC will output the image of Trodzdem and consume more power