UMFRAGE – Wie würde eurer Meinung nach das Königreich von Schneewittchen heißen?
Der Name des Königreichs von Schneewittchen wurde meines Wissens noch nie genannt. Ich schreibe gerade eine Art Phantasiegeschichte und ich bräuchte Ideen für den Namen des Königreichs.
Seventh of course
The kingdom behind the 7 mountains and the 7 dwarves are of course also with her 😉
Cool, thank you
Aww 😍 Thanks for your star🌷
How is that in Latin? Septem Regna?
Oh yeah, sure, sry bin doof 😅
What the limit? Haha oki 😂
How sweet ðŸTM‚
I made you hihi
Thank you 🤗 all well, happens to me often 🤣😂🌷🍀
I know, I also verdict this almost every day XD
A good idea! 🙃
Unfortunately, I can’t like your answer anymore because I have already reached my likelimit ^^^
SevenSnow Valley vllt
Heyyho cartacombia 👋
Hm I am not so mega creative 😅
But spontaneously, I realized that the country could be called diamond kingdom.
Because the dwarves work in such a mine.
Yes I know, not mega creative, but maybe I could help you a bit anyway ^^
Greetings ArinaArande 😊
I’d advise you not to take anything English because I think that sounds very stumbled. Better a fantasy name… 🤔
Hey, Cartacombia!
I’d think of it spontaneously:
Seven clouds
Snow clouds
Mountain clouds
Kingdom of the clouds
I hope it was a good thing!
Sweet Home Alabama 🙂