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Ist so viel Kaffee noch gesund?
Mein Vater trinkt täglich ca. 10 Tassen Kaffee und sagt dass das sehr gesund ist, aber irgendwie kann ich mir das nicht vorstellen, stimmt das?
Not at all. Just because it doesn’t taste me and I’ve developed a real dislike.
Every day, for example, because I take sausages, sometimes 2-3 days because I cook some vegetarian dishes and sometimes not, fish for it.
I don’t like meat more fish
LG Sky…🌞🌞🌞
Stay healthy
I must,
because my parents don’t always cook without meat.
But otherwise I don’t eat meat. Only when it’s cooked. Then I always watch that I get little meat.
which only buy organic meat, but I find it so disgusting when you think that you’re just an animal, which has a life.
I don’t smoke, drink only rarely, make a lot of sport and feed me otherwise healthy, so I don’t like a sin without a bad conscience.
varies from week to week. I eat meat on 4-5 days, but sometimes on every day
We eat meat rather rarely. If anything, Bissl Speck comes in. We rarely have large quantities like pork roasts, sour roasts or the like.
Never. Rare exception is fish, but as I said quite rarely comes to the plate 😄.
about 2-3 times a week
At least quite daily. It’s just part of it and is so versatile edible!
…and several times!😋
Meat is my vegetables.
Doesn’t apply to me anymore because you look at animal welfare and health .
I eat meat once a week, not so wild on meat.
That’s what’s going on.
Not at all. I’m also on eggs.
can also be 4 times
So almost every day.
For about 9 years, the changeover was as easy as anything.
Must be kind of
maximum once a week
A vegan. It just doesn’t taste me either.
every day.
Is it healthy?
Not for 10 years.
At least half a kilo a day